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Iranian culture and identity can be expanded with ritual arts

The director of the house of Naghalan and Pardah singers of the country said: Today, with ritual arts, we can grow compassion, kindness and chivalry in the society and expand Iranian culture and identity.

Mohsen Mirza Ali, on Wednesday, July 21, on the sidelines of the first mimesis training workshop in Arak, told reporters: “Unfortunately, in recent years, the elders of ritual and religious arts have passed away or have reached old age and are no longer able to perform performing arts. Now there are only a handful of real gurus in the country.

Stating that the city of Arak is the cradle of ritual and religious arts and artists, this veteran naqal said: for the first time, a naqal workshop will be held in Central Province. This workshop is a group experience and leads to the production of content and ideas. About fifteen young people interested in this art are participating in this workshop, all of them have shined in national festivals.

Emphasizing the preservation of Iranian identity, he stated: In the past, there were no means of entertainment and information, and people used to get entertainment and information in special places and through art in public places such as bathrooms, coffee houses, and taverns, and for every place, art They considered something special. Ancient people used to look well under the influence of performing arts, but unfortunately, nowadays people have forgotten to look well and listen well, and the reason for this is the decline of these arts among people.

Mirza Ali stated that the authorities still do not understand the importance of preserving the authentic Iranian performing arts and said: In the past, with instructive stories, they cultivated our imagination and thinking, and correct morals were transferred to people, and people’s personalities were formed. As a result, the statistics of crime, corruption and divorce were at the lowest level because stories, stories and narratives can play a special role in reducing corruption.

He added: Today in Western countries, they also believe that stories, stories and narratives are effective in improving and reducing corruption and social harms, and the capacities that exist in this regard in Iran are not in any way in other countries, and the necessary use should be made of them. They take place.

Emphasizing that today it is obligatory to support this art, he stated: Today, with ritual arts, we can develop compassion, kindness and chivalry in society and expand Iranian culture and identity. Ritual narrators’ job is to spread sanctities, especially the sanctity of the family, in the society with their expression technique. Art can soothe the mind and body of people, for example, Naqal calms the human mind with his eloquent language and stories full of wisdom.

The director of the country’s house of movers and screenwriters added: Today, we should give more value to the old arts so that the tools of today’s technology cannot overcome humans. For example, artificial intelligence is no joke and if we don’t act late, it will create a strange life for the whole world in the next two years. Artificial intelligence can both destroy the foundations and can be useful, which means we should take advantage of it.

Stating that the ritual and performing arts have been revived with the efforts of everyone in this area in the last few years, this veteran Naqali said: The situation is much better than 10 years ago, but there is still a long way to the ideal point. Three years ago, for the first time, Ta’zieh was specially prepared on television in the form of a multi-part program and broadcasted on Channel Four, which played an important role in increasing awareness of the art of Ta’zieh. We organized five periods of the Alavi Naqalan National Festival as well as the Naqsha Festival, where about 713 people participated in this festival alone.

He stated that we probably have about a thousand porters in the country and said: The number of porters in the country is relatively good, but we don’t have as many active mentors as the fingers of one hand. In order to increase the number of movers and other artists of ritual arts, more training workshops should be organized, especially at the provincial level, with the direct support of governors and governors, so that people are attracted to these workshops and a team of all institutions is formed to expand these arts.

Mirza Ali continued: The country’s chief artistic directors, i.e. the president, the minister of culture and Islamic guidance, and the minister of cultural heritage and tourism, should issue orders and directives for the development of these arts, so that those in charge of this matter should present their plan and program for the development of ritual arts. . Officials should not ask for artists only for special political ceremonies and should
May they be supported on all occasions.

In response to Isna’s reporter’s question about how performing arts can become more modern and attractive, he said: Fortunately, innovation in performing arts, such as bringing more diverse colors and clothes, different music, and using new tools to attract more audiences, is being done. . For example, some time ago, we brought a real snake to the stage in a play for the story of Zahhak, and I myself am the leader in these innovations in the country.

Regarding the role of education and higher education in the development of these arts, Mirza Ali said: Education is the most influential organ in the matter of introducing and bringing this art to the stage of emergence among children. At the elementary level, children can be interested by using pictures and gradually at higher levels by bringing more texts from the Shahnameh and other books and holding educational courses and workshops. Unfortunately, the University of Applied Sciences, in a sense of tastelessness, lack of culture, and I don’t know what to do, removed the field of Ta’zia, which is regrettable.

In the end, this veteran preacher said that his love for Seyyed al-Shoheda saved him from death due to corona disease and said: the covid virus had taken 80% of my lungs and because of the love I had for Seyyed al-Shoheda, Amirul Momineen and the people, I was saved from death. I was saved and rewarded for my services to people over the years. The doctor who saw me did not believe in miracles at first, but after my recovery, he said that a miracle had happened, and I said that it was the miracle of Seyyed al-Shohad.

The first Naqali training workshop was held in the central province by the efforts of the province’s artistic field and the center for intellectual development of children and adolescents.

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