Iranian gilders reaped UAE awards

According to the visual correspondent of Fars news agency, the closing ceremony of the 17th edition of the UAE “Al Burda” art competition was held last night – Thursday, December 30 – in this Arab country.
In this ceremony, which was attended by the Ministers of Culture and Foreign Affairs of the UAE, the prizes of the winners of the 17th edition of “Al Borda” art competitions in the fields of poetry, calligraphy and gilding were awarded.
In this period and in the field of gilding, the first to fourth places were made by Iranians and the fifth place was won by an artist from Turkey.
“Afsaneh Mahdavi”, an artist from Mashhad, won the first place in the gilding in the 17th “Al Burda” competition of the UAE. Zahra Asadi, Alireza Abaslat and Laili Kazem Yathrabi Naini were second to fourth.
Prizes for the winners are 70, 50, 40, 30 and 20 thousand dirhams respectively (about 270 million to 960 million tomans).
Last December, the art of gilding was registered as the 22nd element of Iran’s intangible cultural heritage.
Based on this news, the Ministry of Culture and Youth of the UAE has launched the “Al Barda” international award since 2004 on the occasion of the birth anniversary of the Prophet (PBUH).
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