InternationalInternational Economics

Iran’s steel exports continue to be strong / imposing tariffs, with the aim of regulating the domestic market

Rejecting rumors that the country’s steel exports have decreased and Russia has taken over Iran’s steel export market, Saifullah Amiri said in an interview with Fars News Agency: “Iran’s steel market has not been delivered anywhere and we have the same markets and there is a change in export policy.” Has not come.

He continued by stating that the step-by-step export duties have been done in order to regulate the domestic market: the duties set with the steel price are floating and during the month and a half that the export duties have been set, due to the decrease in world prices, the duties are Is decreasing.

Amiri continued: “The country’s customs statistics show that Iran’s steel exports have increased significantly, and it is not true that our export market has been given to other countries;” Instead, tariffs were set for exports to regulate the domestic market.

The Director General of the Mineral Industries Office of the Ministry of Silence stated: The registration of orders and contracts that had already been concluded and the goods that were in the country’s customs and had warehouse receipts were done without duties, and any news about losing the market is a lie. Our markets still exist and this has been proven.

Director General of the Mineral Industries Bureau of the Ministry of Silence about why the law has been retroactive and the duties have gone back to the past? He stated: We announced that the goods that were registered in the country’s customs or those that have a warehouse receipt can be exported without paying customs duties, and the customs duties have not caused any problems in the export.

* The imposition of tiered duties is only to regulate the domestic market and has no revenue for the government

He added: “If it were not for these duties, there would be no goods in the warehouses of the factories now, and the raw materials for the production of the factories were preserved by these duties.”

Emphasizing that the government’s tolls are only to support domestic production, Amiri said: “The establishment of market tolls is not intended for currency or budget, but these tolls are intended to regulate the domestic market; These same friends will not be able to produce for export if they do not have raw materials.

“On the first day, tariffs due to world prices were a bit high, but as soon as prices fell, we immediately reduced tariffs and now we are at a low, so there is no reason for global markets to lose by the tariffs set,” he said. And the claim is false, if our friends have a document and evidence that these cases have reduced exports to let us know that they will be addressed.

Amiri added: “The collection of tolls continues according to the previous procedures, and in addition, the list of manufacturing companies has been extended for another month and has been announced to the country’s customs. There is no problem for our global markets and goods are easily exported from the country’s customs.” are.

Noting that tariffs have now reached their lowest point, he said: “If world prices go up, these tariffs can be changed, but due to falling world prices, these tariffs are also decreasing.”

End of message /

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