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Is condom or pill better to prevent pregnancy?

Especially if you are newly married, probably one of your concerns is which method of pregnancy is better and safer? Ways to prevent pregnancy include the use of condoms, birth control pills, IUD, birth control implant, three-month birth control injection, emergency pill, vaginal ring, birth control diaphragm, and tubal ligation in women or men. The most popular methods of contraception, one of which is the use of condoms and the other is the use of birth control pills. In this article, we will discuss whether condoms or pills are better.

Birth control pills are the most reliable way to prevent

Contraceptive pills, if used correctly, can be about 99% effective and ease your mind about unwanted pregnancy. These pills work by controlling ovulation through hormones. When you take the pill, eggs that can be fertilized are not released, resulting in pregnancy. The correct way to use the contraceptive pill has a great impact on its effectiveness. If these pills are not taken every day and sometimes you forget to take them, they will definitely not provide more than 90% protection and the possibility of error increases.

Use condoms to prevent pregnancy

The percentage of condom protection in preventing pregnancy is slightly different in different sources. If a condom is used correctly, it can prevent pregnancy up to 97%. Condoms are delicate and easily damaged. Therefore, in general, it can be said that by using a condom, you can prevent pregnancy by about 85%. If the condom is damaged, sperm can easily enter the uterus.

See the price of condoms in different types and with the best quality in the online pharmacy of Positive Green.

Benefits of using birth control pills

Before we get to the answer to the question of whether a condom is better or a pill, we will explain the advantages and disadvantages of each. The benefits of using birth control pills are as follows:

  • The pill is easy to use.
  • If you take your pill at the same time every day, you will be safe from unwanted pregnancy after about 7 days.
  • The packaging of birth control pills is in a way that easily allows you to keep track of which pill you should take on which day.
  • If your periods are painful, taking birth control pills is likely to reduce the pain and make your periods lighter.
  • Birth control pills regulate the period and if you used to have a long period, they reduce this period.
  • Combined birth control pills are effective in treating pimples and acne.
  • The use of birth control pills is associated with a reduced risk of some cysts, ovarian and endometrial cancers, and some vaginal infections.
  • Long-term use of birth control pills may improve bone strength and reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis in the future.

Side effects of birth control pills

Side effects of birth control pills

Now we come to the disadvantages of birth control pills, which include the following:

  • Mild side effects such as: nausea, headache, breast tenderness, spotting between periods, small amount of fluid retention.
  • Birth control pills may slightly increase the risk of cardiovascular problems such as stroke and blood clots. Of course, if you smoke and are over 35 years old, you are more at risk of developing these problems.
  • In rare cases, birth control pills can potentially increase or decrease libido. However, most women who take this pill do not report any change in their libido.
  • In order for the contraceptive pill to be more effective, you must take it at a certain time every day, which may be a little difficult for you. This is especially true for birth control pills that contain progesterone.
  • The contraceptive pill does not create any kind of physical barrier between sexual partners. Therefore, it has no effect in preventing sexually transmitted diseases.

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Benefits of using condoms

Let’s talk about the benefits of condoms and then decide whether condoms or pills are better. Condoms have many advantages over other birth control methods:

  • They are cheap and easily available.
  • The biggest advantage of condoms is that they prevent the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV, between sexual partners. Of course, be careful that some sexually transmitted diseases that are transmitted through skin-to-skin contact can still be transmitted despite the use of condoms.
  • Condoms do not have any side effects. Unless you are allergic to their sex and have allergic reactions, which of course are very rare.
  • There are different types of condoms. Like: Delayed. If you use a delayed condom, you can take an effective step in improving premature ejaculation. It means that you will enjoy several advantages at the same time.

What are the disadvantages of condoms?

Regarding the disadvantages of condoms, pay attention to the following:

  • When you choose a condom as your birth control method, you should take the time to open the condom and place it on your penis before you start having sex. This issue causes you to suddenly lose your senses in the middle of flirting and it is not pleasant for you.
  • Always use a condom during sex to prevent pregnancy. This may not be very desirable.
  • Some people say that using condoms hinders their sensation and reduces their sexual pleasure. The inappropriate size of the condom may be the cause of this feeling. Sometimes this problem can be easily solved by changing the condom brand and using very thin condoms.
  • If you do not know how to use a condom correctly, the condom will be damaged during use and the risk of pregnancy and transmission of sexually transmitted diseases will increase.

It may take some time to get used to condoms. You can try different brands and types of condoms and finally choose one of them.

Is condom or pill better?

Is condom or pill better?

Birth control pills and condoms are two very different types of birth control methods. The contraceptive pill prevents pregnancy by affecting the body’s biology, while the condom is a device that prevents semen from entering the vagina. In the table below, we have compared contraceptive pills and condoms:

Birth control pillscondom
In terms of effectiveness, the pill is more effective than condoms in preventing pregnancy.The percentage of error in the occurrence of pregnancy using condoms is higher than using pills.
The pill has health benefits. For example, it can prevent acne.Condoms do not have a special advantage for improving the health of the body.
Contraceptive pills do not prevent sexually transmitted diseases.One of the biggest advantages of condoms is its effectiveness in preventing the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases.

In the end, which is better to choose? Pills or condoms? According to experts, it is better to use both contraceptive pills and condoms at the same time. In this case, the risk of unwanted pregnancy is minimized and the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases, which are sometimes fatal, is prevented.

The last word about the best way to prevent pregnancy

Is condom or pill better? Our suggestion in Positive Green Online Pharmacy magazine is to use both condoms and pills to prevent pregnancy. If you use both of them correctly, you can ensure that you will be safe from unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.

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