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Is dairy consumption effective in causing acne on the skin?

Acne is a type of pimple that occurs when the pores of the skin are closed. Clogged skin pores occur due to the accumulation of dead cells or bacteria. Blackheads, whiteheads, cysts and pustules are caused by the closing of skin pores and have a negative effect on the appearance of the face. Statistics show that about 80% of Iranians suffer from acne at some point in their lives. Acne can occur for various reasons. But some studies have shown that there is a connection between the consumption of dairy products and the development of acne. In this article, we will examine the effect of dairy products on skin and acne.

Examining the effect of dairy products on skin and acne

Although there have been few studies on the relationship between dairy products and acne, the limited research shows that acne can be triggered by dairy products. There are several different theories about the cause of this problem:

  • Dairy cows are sometimes treated with artificial hormones that affect their milk production. These hormones may cause the hormones in the human body to go out of balance when consuming dairy products. This issue can trigger acne.
  • The second theory is that the growth hormones in milk naturally aggravate acne.
  • The third theory is that dairy products, when used with a large amount of refined foods and processed sugars in the diet, disrupt the body’s insulin levels and make the skin prone to acne.

Be careful that according to research, not all dairy products increase the possibility of acne in the same way. It may be interesting to you, but the possibility of getting acne is more likely to occur with fat-free and low-fat milk than with high-fat milk. The reason for this may be that most people use low-fat milk much more than full-fat milk. Most studies confirm the relationship between milk and acne, but they have not found a significant relationship between yogurt and cheese and acne.

Take an effective step in treating acne by buying anti-acne cream from Positive Green Online Pharmacy.

The reason for the connection between milk and acne

The proteins in cow’s milk are casein and whey. When calves consume their mother’s milk, the proteins in the milk stimulate their growth and hormones. The mentioned proteins are also very effective in maintaining human health. When these proteins are digested in the human body, an insulin-like hormone called IGF-1 is released. Sometimes the hormones in milk can interfere with the hormones of the human body and confuse the endocrine system. In these cases, you may experience acne.

Lactose is a natural sugar found in milk. After infancy, it becomes more difficult for humans to break down lactose and digest it. Statistics show that 65% of people are allergic to lactose. Pimple or acne can be the result of sensitivity to lactose in milk and is considered an allergic reaction.

Treatment of facial acne due to milk consumption

We explained the effect of dairy products on skin and acne and said that milk is the only dairy product that may be related to acne. Therefore, facial and body acne does not occur due to consumption of yogurt, cheese and other dairy products. If you think that your acne is caused by milk consumption, you can try the following solutions to improve it:

Buy anti-acne cream from the pharmacy

Look for acne creams that contain salicylic acid or alpha hydroxy acid. These compounds can prevent your skin pores from clogging.

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Avoid using oily cleansers and cosmetics on your skin while you are trying to treat your acne. Especially if you have oily skin, it is better to use water-based cleansers. In order to moisturize the face, it is better to buy a moisturizing cream that does not contain fat. In general, you should try to keep your skin oil in balance so that it doesn’t clog your skin pores.

Use an anti-acne cream

Home treatment for acne

Coconut oil is an excellent carrier oil for acne treatment due to its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Add a few drops of tea tree oil or rosehip oil to coconut oil and make a powerful topical remedy to heal your pimples.

Do not touch your pimples

Try not to touch your pimples while you are treating them. Because in this case, more bacteria can enter the skin, and as a result, the treatment period will be longer. Do not forget that you must be patient to get the best results in the treatment of facial and body acne.

Other effective factors in acne formation

The effect of dairy products on skin and acne has not been fully confirmed or rejected in research. If you suspect that you may have acne due to the consumption of dairy products, you can eliminate dairy products from your diet for a while. By completely eliminating dairy products, you can analyze your skin’s reaction. If dairy is not the cause of your acne, then other factors are involved. Sometimes allergy to ingredients in some cosmetics can be the cause of acne; Sometimes allergic to cocoa or coffee beans.

The levels of hormones in the body are also very decisive. The level of hormones in the body fluctuates during puberty, pregnancy and menopause, as well as during the menstrual period, and can stimulate the development of acne. Studies show that there is a connection between stress and acne. Even genetic factors can play a role in acne. Taking some medicines and suffering from some diseases may also have an effect on acne.

Does low-fat milk cause acne?

Based on the limited studies conducted in this field, it can be said that pimples and acne are mostly observed due to drinking low-fat and fat-free milk. This skin condition is less likely to occur with the consumption of full-fat milk. No studies show a relationship between boils and consumption of other dairy products such as yogurt and cheese.

The last word about the harm of dairy products for the skin

We examined the effect of dairy products on skin and acne in this article. Some people suffer from pimples and acne due to their sensitivity to lactose in milk and the effect of proteins in milk on body hormones. Of course, pimples on the face and body also depend on various other factors. In order to understand the main cause of acne, it is better to consult a dermatologist.

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