
Is it possible to finance startups in the stock market?

According to Tejarat News, in recent years, many startups have grown in Iran, some of them have achieved significant profits, and in recent weeks, one of the startups entered the stock market.

The government has entered this field for several years and is trying to remove the obstacles, but the government’s view in some cases is different from the activists in this field. One of the disputed cases is granting facilities to startups.

Tapsi was the first startup that was able to enter the stock market on Tuesday, June 24. According to officials, the initial offering of startups in the capital market will continue.

Funding from the stock market by startups

In a conversation with Tejarat News, capital market expert Fardin Aghabozuri said: Unlike banks, the stock exchange does not receive guarantees under the title of capital assets from startup companies in order to provide financial resources.

Regarding the benefits of knowledge-based companies entering the stock market, he said: Basically, the capital market is a place for financing production companies or applicants for financial resources.

This capital market expert said: There is a significant difference between the financing of knowledge-based companies from banks and the capital market. In a way that on the one hand, banks are considered as a person granting facilities, and on the other hand, based on the amounts paid, banks receive a guarantee in order to reduce or cover risk, while the mentioned companies may not have capital assets at the beginning of their work.

Agha Bozurgi continued: The unit of investment funds and underwriting high-risk funds belongs to the investors of these funds. As a result, managers of such funds provide some of the necessary resources of knowledge-based companies by examining the dimensions of risk and profitability.

Emphasizing that the role of the capital market in financing knowledge-based companies is very important in order to increase profitability, in this regard, Tapsi’s presence can be mentioned, he said: financing knowledge-based companies from the capital market, in addition to reducing investment risk, avoiding deviation Financial resources and the strengthening of electronic infrastructure will also increase practical production in the country.

Read the latest capital market news on Tejarat News Stock Exchange page.

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