
Is the position of the industry in housing construction / the traditional construction method in Iran? – Tejarat News

According to Tejarat News, the country’s need for construction and the slowness of the traditional method to advance construction first caused the issue of industrial construction to be raised in Iran.

The method that has progressed to a great extent in some countries and has faced this industry with change and transformation, but in Iran, the dominant method of manufacturing is the same traditional method. What are the country’s problems in applying the industrial method for construction and at what stage is it now?

Industrialization in Iran

In this regard, Iraj Rahbar, head of the Tehran Mass Builders Association, told Tejarat News: “Industrial construction existed in some cases in the years before the revolution; such as Ekbatan and Vavan settlements. A 30 to 40-year gap was created for it, and since about 15 years ago, there were some possibilities for it, and we started industrialization.”

He continued: “Now there are seven industrial methods in Iran and they have been used, such as the tunnel systems used in the campus.”

Made with 3D printers

The leader also stated: “Another issue that has become common in Iran and also exists in other countries is manufacturing with 3D printers. In the recent exhibition, one of our manufacturers signed a contract to buy several machines.”

The head of the National Association of Mass Builders of the country continued: “If the industrialists in Iran are supported, this type of construction can progress and we can be promoted from the third generation we are in.” “Some countries are now in the seventh generation.”

In which sector is industrialization more pronounced?

The leader explained about the dominant role of the industrial method in Iran: “Industrialization is more pronounced in structures and skeletons, and the main work in the construction industry is to do the structure in an industrial way, but it is complete when the details are also done in an industrial way. let’s move forward For example, let’s place the toilet in the building.

He also said about the current stages of industrialization in the country: “Now the construction in Iran is almost in the semi-industrial stage, but some cases are built in a traditional way and very limited by mass builders in mass constructions in an industrial way. “

The leader stated: “Given the lack of housing in the country, the fact that residential units must be built quickly and the issue of time is very important, it is necessary to move towards industrialization. But the private sector needs government support in this field. “Supports such as facilitating the entry of machinery and providing bank loans in this field, as well as knowledge-based issues can help progress in this area.”

The concept of building industrialization means pre-fabrication, pre-assembly and application of new technologies in the building process.

This process in building construction is a process that both increases the quality and optimally uses the construction time and labor force. Therefore, with the current state of construction in Iran, this method can be used in mass constructions and deliver work output with better quality and in a shorter time.

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