It is free for tenants to receive the lease tracking code – Tejaratnews

According to Tejarat News, the representative of the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development said that receiving the lease tracking code for tenants in the National Housing and Real Estate System of the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development became free.
Alireza Mehli, the representative of the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development in the working group for the regulation and control of the housing, real estate and real estate market, stated that if people do not register their properties in the system, they will be subject to the law of empty houses.
He clarified: The joint patrol of government punishments should be removed from the traditional mode and the statistics of identifying empty houses should be announced.
Be informed that it is free to receive the tracking code of the lease
The representative of the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development, pointing out that as a result of this continuous inspection, we are witnessing a decrease in prices and rents, said: the rent system should be taken more seriously and set up in the province, and the lease tracking code should be made free of charge in Ardabil province. All people should be informed.
Unregistered properties are subject to the Vacant Homes Act
Mehli added: People should be accurately informed that if they do not register their properties in the system, they will be subject to the law of empty houses.
In another part of his speech, he noted: The purpose of this working group is to prevent and reduce inflation and identify empty houses in order to control housing prices in the country.
Mehli added: One of the most important problems in the field of housing in the country is the speculation of real estate consultants and that these people play a key role in overselling housing and rent.
The representative of the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development emphasized on the continuation of the joint patrol with the presence of the representatives of the executive bodies and strict monitoring of the real estate consultants of Tazirat.
The General Director of Roads and Urban Development of Ardabil province also mentioned the importance of housing and construction of residential units in this meeting and stated: The banks involved in the national housing movement plan of Ardabil province have so far signed contracts for 10,000 units for the payment of housing construction facilities and by the end of the week, the documents have been signed. And its documentation will also be completed.
Mehboob Heydari announced the construction of 30,000 residential units to the applicants of this project in the province and said: Considering the extent of road and urban development tasks in Ardabil province, as well as the huge and heavy volume of work, all our colleagues are working with extra strength to make this important and The needs of housing applicants will be fulfilled in the appointed time.
Source: Mehr