Jebeli’s narration of the reason for the letter to the president/ We do not compete with platforms – Mehr News Agency | Iran and world’s news

Peyman Jabali, on the sidelines of the launch of the book “Autumn Came” among journalists, about the letter he wrote to the president about the performance of one of the platforms and why he wrote this letter, answered Mehr’s reporter: In the new era and in line with the support that we have received from We have had platforms, especially VODs and home viewing networks, more than 377 platforms have obtained licenses and are currently operating.
He also explained about the criticism that some have considered this letter to be a competitor of the platforms for broadcasting: by the way, these are among the support services that we have from the platforms, and not only do we not feel a competition and a challenge with them, but their activity is an opportunity for a cultural mission. We know the radio and cultural atmosphere of the country, of course, if they move in this direction.
Jabali added: One of our support services is the review and declaration of opinions about the drama plans that reach Satra, and sometimes their review takes more than 6 months, and now it has been reduced to one week and 10 days.
He reminded: In the past week, the news published by Satra has approved 40 home theater projects, and it shows that we are not only at the service of platforms, but we are also trying to facilitate VODs and home theater works, and we also provide them with services. to give Among these are occasions such as Nowruz and Fajr, when we provide a lot of radio and television productions for them to use.
We do not consider the home entertainment industry as a threat
He added: Not only do we not consider the platform and the home show industry as a challenge and a threat to radio and television, but based on the same slogan of transformation that I put forward since the other day, we act as a base, and we also consider the capacity of VODs as a complementary capacity of radio and television. And by synergizing with the field of home theater, we try to be able to respond to the needs of the society in an efficient way.
Jabali clarified: But in the meantime, we must fulfill the supervisory role as well as the supporting role of Satra as the law and what the law has assigned to us. If Satra does not fulfill its supervisory role, both the audience and the activists of this field have been wronged.
The head of the broadcaster said: All platforms must go through a legal process and get a license from Satra to produce content and publish their content. Now we are definitely talking about a platform.
He added: If a platform does not follow this process and in fact does not follow this legal process, it is injustice to other platforms and they have the right to protest to us that why do you allow a platform to produce and publish content without permission. We must obtain your permission.
Jabali clarified: Therefore, this action and follow-up done by Satra is in line with its legal duties, and it should not be considered that Satra and Sedavasima are doing nothing to the platforms. As a national media, we perform our duties with the traditional and non-traditional audiences we have and we hope we can do it efficiently.
Do Satra’s decisions have an executive guarantee?
In response to Mehr reporter’s other question, why does Satra’s decisions have no executive guarantee and does the head of the Broadcasting Organization need to enter into these monitoring cases? He also said: By the way, Satra works very smoothly in interacting with platforms. We have weekly meetings and sometimes more than once a week and there is a synergy between Satra and the platforms. Recently, in an interesting initiative, Satra has invited all licensees from Satra to form a monitoring group from among the licensees themselves. In fact, it leaves the control of the content and publication to the licensees themselves. This interaction and consensus is done in person and continuously.
The head of Sedavasima added: We think that in order to strengthen this path, like all other regulators who need their regulation and supervision to have an executive guarantee, other institutions such as regulatory bodies, prosecutors, etc. should also help, which is common in the field of the press and other fields. There is also It must exist in this field as well, and gradually these guarantees will be created.
Jabali added: Because we felt that there is disregard for this rule and procedure that all platforms follow, and unfortunately only one platform did not follow it, we felt it necessary to reflect reports to the relevant authorities. It is natural that Satra is not a judicial officer who wants to take a specific action, it is a supervisory and regulatory body that reports to the relevant authorities and we should do the same.
Watch the series “Salman” and “Moses (PBUH)” nationally
Further, in response to a question about the budget of the series “Moses (pbuh)” and its sidelines, he also said: lasting and noble works such as the series of Mukhtar, Imam Ali (pbuh), Yusuf the Prophet, etc., are works that remain in the historical and cultural memory. They stay and create culture and history. These are naturally expensive tasks. Currently, we have two expensive and long-lasting collections whose work is going on. We should not harm these collections with wrong speculations and behavior caused by malice towards the national media. We should all look at these works as a national project and plan and support them so that they come to a healthy and good result and the remains of the reforms.
He said about the programs in the field of Pahlavi and exposing the Pahlavi regime: Unfortunately, in the past years, we have not done enough to explain the realities of the Pahlavi black era both in the radio and other cultural institutions. We also had a kind of shortcoming in rereading the crimes of the hypocrites in the first years of the revolution, and the result is that the new generations have a kind of cognitive discontinuity compared to before the revolution and the Pahlavi regime and the first years of the revolution and the crimes of your hypocrites.
Current TV series are good works
In response to Mehr’s reporter’s question about the decline in the quality of TV series, Jabali said: The series that are currently being broadcast on TV are remarkable and good works that we even decided to change the way some of them are broadcast and some interesting works We aired it weekly, but we must seek to improve the quality of our shows.
He added: “Naturally, we had to complete a series of works that were left over from the previous era, and some works are scheduled to be broadcast, which we will witness during Nowruz and the holy month of Ramadan.” The work of “Celebration of Cerberun” is a great work that will be broadcast.
Finally, “Old Land”, “Khandwane” and “Durahemi”
The Head of Radio and Television also told Mehr reporter about solving the problem of broadcasting the series “Sarzemin Kohn” by Kamal Tabrizi: “We have taken very good measures regarding the problems that Sarzemin Kohn has had and we will definitely have good news about it.” A collection that was made with the aim of introducing Bakhtiari heroes, and we try not to lower the quality of the work and meet those quality standards, in addition to the serious challenges we are facing regarding the provision of resources for the production of luxurious collections.
In response to whether “Khandwane” and “Dourhami” will return to television or not, Jabali stated: We have various television programs, works with new creativity and ideas, which will hopefully come on air and we will unveil them.