Juggling cyberspace by illegally impersonating law enforcement

According to Fars News Agency’s art and media group, after several years of turmoil and confusion, the task of monitoring the home television network was finally officially determined and the monitoring of this space was entrusted to Satra according to the law. Although this decision was made late and imposed a lot of cost on the culture and art of the country, it was finally resolved.
“Sadasima is responsible for monitoring the home show network” This is the last resolution of the meeting of the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution which was held last Tuesday.
The Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution discussed the policies and regulations of the field of universal audio and video in the Tuesday evening meeting chaired by Seyed Ebrahim Raisi and approved the single article “Determining the requirements for organizing the field of universal audio and video”. According to the resolution of the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution, the duty of supervision in the field of universal audio and video platforms and home television networks is under the responsibility of the Broadcasting Organization according to the constitution and related laws. In this report, we will try to look at the issue from another angle.
Civilization is the law
One of the great writers once wrote: “tyranny begins where the enforcement of the law is ignored.” Based on this, in a general category, any relationship between human society can be organized in two ways: organized or disordered. From the basis of the history of human civilization, it is the history of its legalization. Now, whether the law should be based on divine commands or human thoughts is a detailed and lengthy discussion that is not the subject of this article.
Hassan Bahrami, a media expert, says: “One of the most important achievements of mankind is the nation-state. That is, people in one geography who together form a nation form a government to prevent chaos and maintain their security and rights, so that the government can destroy the nation by implementing the law.
The natural and right way is that after the establishment of any system, the governments should establish order in line with the interests of the nation, so that an institution is established beyond the people, so that the people do not get involved in any issue and know the limits of their rights, privileges, duties, and freedoms.
In such an order, a law is laid down for every phenomenon, and one group supervises its implementation and another supervises its correct implementation. In this framework, there is either a law for the phenomena or it is laid down after the need of the law. Just like when there was no Internet, there was no law for it, but with the advent of the Internet and its widespread use, every country, based on its constitution and cultural, legal, ethical, religious principles, etc., establishes a law to monitor it.
Now let’s go back to the story of satra (the executive arm of television in monitoring and regulating VODs), each country has a satra based on its own principles to monitor the inclusive content in the country.
*Is satra monitoring something new?
Satra started its activities in 1998 and was active during the corona pandemic when the home show expanded rapidly. However, since the end of the previous government and at the beginning of the new government’s coming to power, some people saw the space ready to make the most obvious thing possible, which is to monitor and regulate the content. Now, over the past year, Satra has been trying to break the monopoly and take a step towards the growth of VODs. Some of them pretend that; 1: Satra was just built, not years ago, 2: Any kind of oversight equals shutdown!
While this is not the whole story and Satra actively tried in the last few years to empathetically deal with platforms and even some series that were far from our cultural standards with maximum interaction, witness this claim that no series is broadcast on home viewing platforms. It was not finished. This is despite the fact that in these years, Sed and Sima, due to the cultural, ethnic and religious sensitivities of the people, prevented them from continuing to broadcast or show some of their famous series.
*Empathetic interaction
Mahmoudi, the producer of the “Lion Skin” series, which was one of the most popular home theater shows, said about Satra’s approach to this series: “I can’t say that we and the members of the Satra Licensing Council were 100% like-minded and together. Let me say a slogan, but in the real sense The words of the council members helped us and if there were corrections in some cases, we made the necessary corrections through dialogue and interaction, and we reached a relatively common point of view regarding other cases. This happened because they were aware of our goal and we were also aware of their concern. If you know that Satra is not looking for censorship and what issues they are worried about, we can be of the same mind. The experience of the “Lionskin” home show showed that many taboo things can be displayed and attract the audience through dialogue and consensus. “I think all issues can be solved with bilateral interaction.”
“Lion skin” is one of the most popular TV series
In the end, Mahmoudi emphasized: “There is no double standard between home show and television. “The home show is freer in form and execution because it follows the cinema, but I’d say that’s not something you have to worry about at all, and there’s no double space.”
* What is Ofcom?
Regulation and monitoring of audio, visual and written media content exists in all countries of the world, but the methods of its application are different. But regardless of the content of these supervisions, the method of applying it is another matter that can be of our interest. In America, the Motion Picture Association, known as MPAA, is in charge of monitoring movies and series, and one of its most famous measures is the age classification of works. In other countries, these supervisions are applied in different ways, one of the examples can be examined according to some details of the laws and through it, we can understand some points about regulation in Iran.
The building of one of the Ofcom organizations in London
In England, there is an institution called Ofcom, which has 100 times more power than Satra. The Welcome to Your Rights website explains what Ofcom is: “The Office of Communications, commonly known as Ofcom, is the government-approved competition and regulatory authority for the UK’s broadcasting, telecommunications and postal industries. Ofcom has extensive powers in the television, radio, telecommunications and postal sectors. “Ofcom has a statutory duty to represent the interests of citizens and consumers by promoting competition and protecting the public from harmful or offensive material.”
Ofcom’s supervisory and enforcement powers (in the UK, it oversees any kind of inclusive content from the post to the internet).
You read it right in Britain that the production of pornographic films is also legal by observing certain laws! Regarding inclusive content that the public has access to, such as television, radio, telecommunications, Ofcom has a legal duty to protect the public against harmful or offensive material based on the government’s understanding and acceptance of the bill to establish a single regulator for the media and communications industries in the Queen’s Speech. has been announced The bill establishing Ofcom is likely to be the most important piece of media legislation since 1990.
The creation of Ofcom will reduce the number of regulators in the sector from five to one, taking over the roles of the Independent Television Commission, the Office of Telecommunications (Oftel), the Broadcasting Standards Commission, the Radio Authority and the Radio Communications Agency. This case was so important and key that according to the World Service of the British Government on Wednesday, June 20, 2001: “The bill to establish a single regulatory body for the media and communications industries has been announced in the Queen’s Speech. The bill establishing Ofcom is likely to be the most important piece of media legislation since 1990. “The creation of Ofcom will reduce the number of regulators in the sector from five to one, taking over the roles of the Independent Television Commission, the Office of Telecommunications (Oftel), the Broadcasting Standards Commission, the Radio Authority and the Radio Communications Agency.”
The importance of Ofcom and the announcement of its existence by the Queen of Great Britain
That is, the importance of the issue was so great that the queen announced the establishment of Ofcom and in the paradise of westerners, in order to find the right supervision (from their point of view), they united five supervisory institutions so that they can supervise all the contents completely and equally.
What were the five entities that merged to form Ofcom?
The official news of the British government titled “Super-regulator Ofcom launches” states: “Audio-visual standards working group, independent television working group, office of telecommunications (Oftel), radio department and Virtual communication agency.
That is, the creators of the emerging technological media, since they were the founders of these media and on the other hand, contrary to their claim of freedom of expression, they did everything in the legal tail to be able to spin the media however they want, and on the other hand, they found out nearly two decades ago that in a short distance, internet media And virtual communications, if they do not excel in influencing radio and cable televisions, they will at least be equal.
As a result, the countries that make Net and VODs have been fully monitoring all their virtual and non-virtual space in the media for years, but in our country, where after many years the regulation and monitoring of “home viewing” was finally announced, with virtual waves Some celebrities have come across. Faces who started almost all of their activities on television and after leaving television have also been active in home show series under the supervision of Satra.
Suppose there are only bicycles, motorbikes, buses and trams in a country, and then private cars are introduced. The traffic police force, whose inherent duty is to supervise the enforcement of the law by vehicles, defend the rights of pedestrians and riders against each other, and finally establish order. He should say that although I am establishing order based on the axioms of the driving directions, but few say that because the private car has not yet been declared, we do not recognize you! Well, the traffic guidance also wants its legal power to be officially announced in this matter. simply.
The last word is that it seems that this resolution announced by the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution is the chapter of supervision in the field of content, and it can be said that the duties of platforms and the private sector have been clarified. In this regard, Amirhossein Heidari, the director of the Tamashakhone platform, said: “This point should also be kept in mind that considering the fact that the issue of universal audio and video was mentioned in our constitution, we should have put the radio and television in charge of this work. . Of course, perhaps due to the newness of the ecosystem of ubiquitous audio and video platforms, there were different interpretations of the law, and this issue delayed the trusteeship of the Broadcasting Organization and Satra. In my opinion, this delay was only due to different interpretations of the law.”
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