Khandozi’s letter to the Minister of Roads for third party insurance coverage of the rail fleet

According to Iran Economist, regarding the mandatory coverage of third-party insurance for all transport fleets, including rail transport fleets, Seyyed Ahsan Khandozi, Minister of Economic Affairs and Finance and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Bodily Damage Fund in a letter to Mehrdad Bazarpash, Minister of Roads and Shahr Sazi announced, in line with the implementation of the ruling in Article 2 of the Compulsory Insurance Law for damages caused to third parties due to accidents caused by vehicles approved in 2015, to create or procure suitable and sufficient insurance coverage for all rail vehicles in parallel with non-rail vehicles At least the amount specified in Article 8 of the Third Party Insurance Law has been emphasized by the legislator.
In this letter, it is also stated that according to the decision of the Council of Ministers on November 7, 1401, the insurance premium rate for rail vehicles subject to paragraph C of Article 1 of the law has been determined and announced. Considering that according to Article 21 of the Compulsory Third Party Insurance Law approved in 2015, in the event of an accident and the absence of a third party insurance policy for vehicles, both rail and non-rail, compensation for physical damages caused to injured third parties is entrusted to the fund for the provision of physical damages, and On the one hand, it is expected that the insurers of the rail network, citing Article 13 of the Road and Railway Safety Law and considering that the insurance premium Liability insurance policy Due to the limitation of the ceiling and the coverage is much lower than the third party insurance premium, they don’t want to buy a third party insurance policy.
Therefore, the supervisory body of the insurance industry was simultaneously requested to refrain from providing third-party alternative insurance policies for the rail network by insurance companies, which was subsequently emphasized by the Court of Accounts.
In this letter, it is stated that the non-issuance of insurance policies for railway vehicles in the last 6 months shows that despite the obligation of the owners of railway vehicles to obtain a compulsory third-party insurance policy, unfortunately, this action was not taken seriously by the companies and institutions in charge, and the owners of such Vehicles use alternative insurance policies such as optional insurance policies for rail network insurance coverage.
Considering the mandatory nature of obtaining a third party insurance policy for rail vehicles and in order to manage large-scale crises caused by possible accidents in the country, as well as to complete the transformational process of the 13th government, please order the issue of the mandatory purchase of a third party insurance policy to the owners in an appropriate manner. The rail network should be communicated and emphasized.
House letter
According to Iran Economist, railway companies use liability insurance policies instead of third-party insurance policies for intra-city (metro) and extra-city passenger or cargo trains. .
The law to compel the preparation of a third-party insurance policy is approved by the Supreme Council of Insurance and is not directly approved by the parliament, so rail transport companies are limited to liability insurance and do not buy third-party insurance policies. Therefore, when accidents occur, the cost pressure is placed on the shoulders of the bodily damage fund.
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