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Kiani: I came back to help the tractor / Government teams are also deprived of tractor facilities

According to Fars News Agency, Mehdi Kiani regarding the return to the Tabriz Tractor team, said: I am happy to return to the Tractor again after a few years. This is my home and I have wonderful memories of being on the tractor and its fans. I knew I would be back one day and I came today to help my beloved team.

Praising the current facilities of the club, he said: “The facilities of the tractor are not comparable to the past.” We now have two quality lawns, a stadium, a hotel and a dedicated gym, which is superior to most teams in this respect. The young players of the team stay in the hotel of the Traktor club sports complex, and our pre-game camp is also held in this hotel, which is a professional matter, and on the other hand, causes the club to monitor the players’ performance outside the green rectangle.

The Traktor midfielder said that the structure of this club has become professional, adding that the specificity of the training ground and the location of the gym next to the team’s training ground is a special point for better preparation. It seems that the club’s private pool is also being completed, which I hope will be used soon. Now that I have a history of attending other industrial clubs in Iran, I can speak better and more frankly. The reality is that in this bankrupt football, no one is willing to lead the team, but Mohammad Reza Zanozi comes and pays for this team from his own pocket. In my opinion, everyone from the fans to the provincial officials should support him fully so that he is not discouraged.

“I don’t think everything is in the green rectangle,” he said. The Tractor Club has not only paid for the team during these years, but has created facilities that even government teams with large budgets are deprived of, and this issue should be taken into consideration.

Kiani thanked the management of Traktor for their efforts to facilitate his transfer and rejoin the team, saying: “I am happy to see a sports manager at the helm of Traktor after many years, and this has solved many problems.” We must all work to maintain the stability and calm of the team.

The Traktor midfielder emphasized that the players of this team should realize what a valuable shirt they are wearing, and said: “Thank God, the team is going through a good process.” Players have been added and the tractor will be strengthened again in the coming days. I believe we have a coach with knowledge and good players and it is necessary for all of us to support the team and unite to create peace. I would like to inform the fans that the condition of the tractor is not a concern and we will get better day by day.

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