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Landslide threatens Ardabil plain

According to Ardabil Wave News Agency, Nabiullah Pasban Isa Lu Director of Basic Studies of Water Resources of Ardabil Regional Water Company, said: Due to uncontrolled withdrawals in previous years and also the reduction of effective rainfall Danger of land subsidence in Ardabil plain Threatens.

He added: “In this plain, due to the drop in groundwater level, there is a possibility of this serious phenomenon that the necessary precautions should be taken.”

Director of Basic Studies of Water Resources of Ardabil Regional Water Company “The subsidence can be stopped by stopping the drop in water levels or by implementing artificial feeding schemes,” he said.

“Of course, even if the groundwater level returns to pre-subsidence levels, the surface will not return to its original state, and the inflation will not be equal to subsidence,” said Constable Isa Lou.

He said: “Uneven drop in groundwater level and variable thickness of compressible layers will cause uneven subsidence of the ground, which will create cracks in the earth’s crust that will be dangerous in the future.”

The director of basic studies of water resources of Ardabil Regional Water Company said: in order to prevent the negative consequences of falling groundwater level in the plains of the country, the Supreme Water Council has approved 15 plans in the form of rehabilitation and balancing plan in all plains, including Ardabil plain. It is implemented to balance this national problem by creating a balance between resources and consumption in groundwater over a 20-year horizon.

Constable Isa Lou said: “The most important of these plans are to block unauthorized wells, install smart meters on wells, inform and increase public awareness, change the current cultivation pattern to a pattern of low water in the plains and monitor the subsidence of the plains by Jihad Organization.” Agriculture pointed out.

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