Application and softwareScience and Technology

Learn how to make a video sticker in Telegram

19 Bahman 1400 at 16:29

In version 8.5, Telegram provided its users with the ability to make video stickers. In the following, you will get acquainted with how to make a video sticker in Telegram.

Telegram, as one of the most popular media in the world, always offers new capabilities to its users during each update. In this regard, version 8.5 of Telegram was recently released, in which users were given the ability to make a video sticker. In this regard, in this article, we want to introduce you to how to make a video sticker in Telegram.

How to make a video sticker in Telegram

First, update your Telegram to version 8.5. In the next step, you must prepare a short video according to the following conditions:

  • The video in question must be in square dimensions, ie a ratio of 1: 1 to a maximum of 512 by 512 pixels.
  • The maximum video time is 3 seconds and the frame rate should be 30 frames per second.
  • Maximum video size is 256 KB and video must be on WEBM with V9 codec.
  • Video must also be free of music or audio.

After you have prepared your video based on the above conditions, do the following in order:

1. Run the @Stickers robot in Telegram.

2. Click on the / start command.

Make a video sticker

3. In this section, type the command / newvideo in the message box and tap Send.

Make a video sticker

4. In this section, you must select a name for the desired set of video stickers.

Make a video sticker Make a video sticker

5. Send the desired video file.

Make a video sticker

6. In this section, send one or more emojis to use them as a shortcut to call the label.

Make a video sticker

7. In this section, you can send more videos or click / publish to complete.

8. Then send an image or video as a symbol of the set of stickers.

Of course, this step is optional and you can go to the next step without any changes. Also, the image must be in WEBM format with dimensions of 100 by 10 pixels, its maximum time is 3 seconds and its dimensions must be at most 32 KB.

Make a video sticker

9. Choose a name for your sticker collection. By doing all the above steps, you were finally able to make your first video sticker in Telegram.

Make a video sticker

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