Let’s seek maximum attraction/the damage of the infected content of the popular program is more – Mehr news agency Iran and world’s news

According to the reporter of Mehr, Peyman Jabali, the head of Radio and Television, attended a ceremony titled Research Week Commemoration in the Radio Martyrs Building and stated: In the different eras of the national media in the previous decades, it can be said for sure that all managers, Programmers and various elements have sought to attract the maximum number of programmers.
He added: There is no doubt about this, but what was the reason to follow different developments in different periods, to continue the previous actions, to proceed with a new path and to correct the previous path? The answer to this question is in the very first statement of this meeting that we are the national media, that our approach is cultural guidance, which is the legitimate goal of the society, and our main goal has followed the same.
The head of Radio and Television stated: Communication professors have repeatedly asked the question, what is the media? What lies in the existential philosophy of the national revolution media is a media that operates in the position of a caring mother who has dedicated her existence to the family.
He continued: The position of the national media is such a role and what is expected is the same, that is, at the same time that it carefully observes the taste of the nation, it takes into account the cultural developments, and in accordance with the precise knowledge of the audience, knowledge of harms to others. Items produce the right feed.
Referring to the importance of research, Jabali said: “We must accept that the role of thought, observation and research has priority over any other work in the transitional period of the national media.” Our programming may do the opposite if it ignores this observation.
At the same time, he emphasized: the national media should definitely seek to attract the audience and produce high-profile programs, but it should also pay attention to the content while being attractive. A popular program that gives contaminated food is definitely more harmful than a low audience program that gives healthy food.
The head of the Broadcasting Corporation stated: Any program maker with any kind of program, if he does not pay attention to research, his programming is nothing but a waste of property. We live in the era of national media technology. If we do not pay attention to these developments in the field of technology, we will be left behind.
He also said about the need for interactive communication with the research center: the interaction of the research areas of the organization, especially the research center, with the fields of messages should be compensated. If we want to make plans for these days in the case of financial corruption, we should see what the society thinks, and the only person who can help in this matter is the research center, which provided us with research during these one or two days, and no matter how important this relationship is. Being tight helps more.
Jabali said about the effective media: We should not only measure the audience of the programs. This makes the programmer one-dimensional. Along with the number of audience, it must be measured how much the program had a favorable effect on the audience with a certain number of audience, how close it was to its goals.
Abdul Hossein Khosrupanah, the secretary of the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution, also reminded: Seda and Sima is the only legal guardian of broadcasting radio and television programs according to the constitution. It is the responsibility of the organization from the university and the field of research and policymaking to parts of regulation and administration. When it comes to national governance, it is not just about tenure.
He added: “We have seen good events in these years, but some people only complain.” The national media has been influential in the growth of some genres, including the religious genre, even some countries and Hollywood cinema have followed Iran’s example.
Referring to some influential programs, Khosropanah mentioned: “Zawiyeh” or “Gastareh Shariat” broadcast by Channel Four was very useful, “Cinema Review” on Channel One had a lot of viewers. It is the same now and the programs have an audience, I was also present as an expert in the “Life After Life” program, which was one of the popular programs. Now, when I go to people, they know me with “Life After Life” program. These programs change people’s lives. Someone had said that he was on the verge of suicide, but this program made him give up on his decision. We should thank these programs, it is strange to see that some gentlemen have their discussions and programs broadcasted on TV, but they criticize. It is not ethical to criticize and not show solutions and not see effective works. One of the tasks that radio and television should include is the same moral tasks. Do not easily destroy each other. Radio has also played a role in nurturing revolutionary documentary makers.
The Secretary of the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution stated: Radio and Television should have maximum attraction from two aspects, first from the programmers themselves who are part of the organization’s family, and secondly, maximum attraction from the audience. If for some reason the viewers of Sima have decreased, it is not because they don’t have programming, but because of the revolution created by the platforms and the number of cinema customers has also decreased.
He further spoke about the authenticity of Iranian Islamic culture and emphasized: We in the radio and television should give authenticity to Iranian music, for example, if dime rock, metal and heavy metal are played, Iranian music will not be promoted. Iranian music in Iranian civilization is based on mathematics.
Referring to the position of the media, Khosropanah said: Some immoral behavior is painful for some people, some people think that if someone is not in line with their thought process, they should lie about it in the media. This is definitely against Islamic values and ethics and education should be among the characteristics of this media.
Mohsen Shakrinejad, head of the Broadcasting Research Center, said in this ceremony: If we consider the transformation around the three axes of mechanism, content and approach, these three axes are not possible without research. It is not possible to make changes in the content and approaches according to the society without research.
He raised a question: In an age where all estimates and future studies show that television will be removed in the not-so-distant future, will it be a mechanism for content production?
Shakrinejad reminded: During the transformational period, we witnessed changes in the approaches and mechanisms in measuring the audience, and we made every effort to make the research serve the content and antenna of the national media.
He added: Mr. Jabali emphasizes that today the audience can see the content of the national media antenna on different platforms. Today, we also ask those who are the audience of the national media, in what atmosphere they follow the content of this media.
In another part of his speech, the head of the Broadcasting Research Center said: If you look at the American media, their audience is 2-3%, and compared to the population of 300 million, of which 6 or 7 million are the audience of a program, it is very small and can be There is no comparison with the national media audience.