cultural and artisticradio and TV

“Lonely alone” in “Be Toan Haft” – Mehr news agency Iran and world’s news

According to the Mehr News Agency, citing the public relations of Saba Radio, Saba Radio Network presents a combination of cinema and books to the audience every day in the cultural program “Be Tuan Haft”.

In the form of a radio show, “Beh Tuan Haft” rereads parts of a story book with a narration by Amir Hossein Modares for the audience, and related to that, it broadcasts sequences from movies and lasting and impressive dialogues for the audience. .

Amirhossein Modares reads parts of the book “The Lottery of Life” by Frederick Beckman to the audience in this program on Monday, the 7th of December.

The story of the book is inspired by the feelings that Frederick Beckman received from the place where he grew up and has its origin from his sense of death and love; A short story with real locations about a father who claims to have killed someone and a little girl admitted to the hospital where the same man was also due to cancer, a girl who knows she will die soon and a woman familiar to the narrator with Files in hand with the names of all human beings in them.

In another part, this program broadcasts dialogues from the movie “Tanhai Tanhai Tanha”, “Tanhai Tanhahi Tanha” is an Iranian film directed by Ehsan Abdipour, which was first shown in February 2018. This film is the story of a boy who goes to the United Nations to convey the message of Iranian peace to world presidents and also to defend the rights of his country. Of course, the scene of his presence at the United Nations is not shown, but his statement addressed to his family and friends is read by him in the film.

“Beh Tuan Haft” is broadcast from Saturday to Wednesday at 13:30, produced by Mozhgan Farzin and performed by Amir Hossein Modares.

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