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Lose weight with the egg diet / Green positive online pharmacy magazine

Are you also suffering from obesity and looking for an easy solution to lose weight? How familiar are you with the egg diet and how likely are you to achieve results this way? Have you heard about a 3 day diet with 4.5 kg weight loss? Can you really reach your desired weight with the 3-day egg diet? In this topic, we are going to talk to you about the egg diet and its optimal properties due to the presence of omega-3 and introduce two practical diets that have been tested. So join the positive green.

A 3-day diet with 4.5 kg weight loss

The three-day diet is a low-calorie diet that will bring you to your desired weight in a short period of time. In this fasting diet, you get low-calorie energy for 3 days and you have a free food plan on the remaining 4 days of the week. In the 3-day diet, periods of calorie reduction and periods of unlimited feeding alternate. So that in the first three days, the calorie intake reaches 1400, 1200 and 1100 calories, respectively, which is less than the standard amount defined for women and men.

But in the next 4 days, you can consume unlimited calories. The mentioned 3-day diets are very effective in the short term and reduce weight quickly. However, the same program is not successful in the long term, and the weight quickly returns to its original state when the short-term diet is stopped. People who want to urgently lose weight in the shortest time can use the three-day fasting diet.

Eggs contain omega-3 and are effective in weight loss with high protein content. Have you ever used omega 3 pills?

Egg diet for 3 days

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One of the most useful and available sources of omega-3 is eggs. You can reach your desired weight by consuming eggs enriched with omega-3. These eggs have a darker yolk compared to normal eggs. Useful acids such as omega-3 are found only in egg yolks and there are no types of fatty acids in egg whites. Breakfast containing omega-3 reduces the risk of dementia to a great extent and provides health for your day.

The 3-day egg diet, due to its high protein content, in addition to keeping you full throughout the day, causes fat burning. This 3-day fasting diet is not suitable for people with diabetes and gastrointestinal and kidney diseases (NIDDK). The type of fasting is not right for people over 50 and can be dangerous.

Three-day meal plan

You can follow the following table and follow the following diet plan to lose weight in one week.

Sample three-day military diet plan

  • Half of Portugal
  • A piece of toast
  • 2 tablespoons of peanut butter (without sugar and salt)
  • A cup of tea or coffee

first day

  • Half a glass of tuna fish
  • A piece of toast
  • A cup of coffee or tea
  • · 85 grams of any type of meat
  • A glass of green beans
  • Half a banana
  • A small apple
  • A cup of ice cream
  • One egg
  • A piece of toast
  • Half a banana

second day

  • A boiled egg
  • A piece of cheese
  • A piece of toast
  • Two hot dogs
  • A cup of broccoli
  • Half a cup of carrots
  • Half a banana
  • A small glass of ice cream
  • A piece of cheese
  • small apple
  • A piece of toast

third day

  • A boiled egg
  • A piece of toast
  • A glass of tuna
  • half a banana
  • A glass of vanilla ice cream

Learn more about the benefits of omega 3 pills

You get omega-3 naturally from foods such as salmon, eggs, flax seeds, walnuts, or chia seeds, or you can get it as an oral supplement from pharmacies. This substance has positive properties that cannot be ignored. The positive effects of taking omega-3 pills include:

  • Preventing cardiovascular diseases
  • Prevention of coagulation and blood clots
  • Strengthening the growth of brain cells
  • Strengthen the immune system
  • increasing the self confiedence
  • Protecting nerve cells
  • Prevention of cancer
  • Preventing cartilage weakness and preventing osteoporosis
  • Raising the IQ of infants
  • Prevention of stroke and treatment of heart and coronary diseases
  • Prevent mental illness or depression
  • Prevention of possible involvement with Alzheimer’s problem
  • Prevention of premature aging of brain neurons

Omega 3 deficiency symptoms

Complications of omega 3 deficiency in the body

Consuming fish or eggs in the diet and having an egg diet play a role in providing omega-3 to the body. Some would like to know how to find out the lack of omega 3 in their body? If this substance is not available in people’s diet, you can use medicinal supplements as a substitute. Important symptoms of omega 3 deficiency can be the following:

growth disorder

Omega-3 plays an important role in behavioral patterns, especially in hyperactive children and children with autism.

skin dryness

Lack of omega-3 fatty acids can lead to dry skin. Omega-3 fatty acids play an important role in the production of protective skin oils that help maintain moisture and keep the skin hydrated. Without adequate levels of omega-3 fatty acids, skin can become dry, flaky, and irritated.

unhealthy hair

Omega 3 keeps the scalp hydrated, prevents dandruff and strengthens hair follicles. Dead hair is often accompanied by shedding and scalp inflammation. Omega 3 reduces inflammation and protects your scalp and hair from sun damage.

Difficulty concentrating

Omega 3 fatty acids have a positive effect on concentration. Omega 3 helps improve attention and reduce distraction, as well as improve memory. This substance is effective in reducing ADHD symptoms and is associated with improved mood and behavior. In order not to experience poor concentration, include foods rich in omega 3 such as eggs, fatty fish, walnuts and flax seeds in your diet.

feeling exhausted

Lack of omega-3 fatty acids can lead to decreased energy levels and increased fatigue. This deficiency leads to a decrease in the production of hormones that regulate energy levels, such as serotonin and Dopamine which cause fatigue. Eating a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids with essential nutrients is necessary to prevent fatigue.

joint pain

Omega-3 is helpful in reducing joint pain and inflammation associated with arthritis. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in oily fish such as sardines, salmon, as well as some nuts, seeds and some plants. Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties and help reduce joint problems.

You can also benefit from omega 3 in the egg diet.

shock diet 9 fasting

The shock diet is another type of egg diet that causes weight loss in the short term. To do this program, it is enough to perform the following tasks within 9 days, and you will be surprised by the result.

  • Drink a glass of water with 2 spoons of lemon juice in the morning before breakfast.
  • For the first three days, eat 3 eggs with cucumber, tomato, greens and lettuce.
  • Have 8 glasses of water in your plan every day.
  • Drink tea without sugar.
  • On the second day, add 3 boiled potatoes to your meal.
  • On the third day, add a boiled chicken breast to your meal.
  • This 9-day shock diet along with walking and exercise has better results.

Omega 3 for weight loss

Does boiled egg cause weight loss?

Eating boiled eggs as part of a balanced diet helps in weight loss. Hard-boiled eggs are a great source of lean protein and nutrients that will help you stay full longer and avoid cravings between meals. It is rich in essential fatty acids and other vitamins and minerals that can help maintain a healthy weight. Boiled eggs are a good source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, B12 and B6, which can be effective in increasing metabolism and weight loss.

Properties of egg white for weight loss

Whole egg diets and egg whites can both be part of a healthy and successful weight loss program. If you are trying to lose weight, choose the right type of egg for your weight loss goals. Egg whites without their yolks are a great choice for those looking to reduce their calorie and fat intake. Because its calories and fat are much less than whole eggs. Egg whites are a very light food, mostly containing almost 90% fat-free water.

However, the white is a protein food that contains about 56% of the total egg protein. Egg white contains vitamins and minerals such as riboflavin, selenium, potassium, magnesium and calcium. The foaming properties of egg white protein are due to several factors such as pH, temperature and the presence of other proteins and lipids. For weight loss, it is recommended that you consume a combination of whole eggs and egg whites to ensure that you get the most nutritional benefits.


As you have noticed, losing weight with egg diet is another way to lose weight. Eating eggs will help you feel satiated and less likely to go for unhealthy snacks. In addition, in addition to slimming, eggs are a good source of protein that can help increase the body’s metabolism and improve the body’s immunity. Finally, eggs are low in calories and full of essential vitamins and minerals, making them a great option for a weight loss diet.

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