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May 28, World Museum and Cultural Heritage Day/Relationship between museum and cultural heritage

According to the reporter of Moj news agency, Cultural Heritage All the works left by the ancestors are said to indicate the movement of man throughout history, and by identifying it, it becomes possible to know the identity and the line of cultural movement, and in this way, a lesson is provided for man. These works can include tangible works (such as ancient buildings) or intangible works (such as customs and traditions of a region) that today are trying to preserve for future generations.

Cultural heritage is the footprint of man throughout history, which carries a human message, a message of how man lives, strives and fights to survive and overcome nature, to meet his needs and use what is available. These efforts have played an essential role in the development and evolution of human civilizations in the form of pioneering experiences.

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Cultural heritage is a sign of national identity and pride and causes the continuity and enrichment of a country’s culture, which preservation is a common and permanent duty. Educating everyone to preserve cultural heritage through the media and the press, and raising the culture of preservation of ancient artifacts are important factors in cultural heritage protection. Unfortunately, during the infamous Pahlavi regime and before that during the Qajar period, many old objects containing information and tips from our ancestors were looted by some foreign countries such as Russia, England and America.

Cultural heritage is unique, irreplaceable and has value and respect among generations. Smaller things, such as works of art and other cultural masterpieces, are collected in museums and art galleries, while others, such as ancient monuments, are collectively known as cultural heritage.

Iran has a wide cultural heritage due to its special geographical location, as a country that has been involved in the formation of world civilizations with an ancient culture. The works left by our ancestors have always adorned the museums of the world. The results of archaeological studies and excavations show that Iran had one of the oldest human civilizations.

From All kinds of ancient works In the new era, we can refer to houses and museums, which have become very popular in our era.

Museum It is one of the places where works of art are kept and it is an important tool for cultural exchange, cultural enrichment and creating mutual understanding, cooperation and peace among people. According to ICOM, “Museums are the heart of nations and institutions that serve society and play a role in its development.”

Each museum, according to its own perspective, uses unique knowledge and skills to achieve its goal, to fulfill its main mission. Protection of human heritage Whether it is inside the museums or the outside environment, cover it well.

In other words, museums are obliged to preserve the valuable historical works of the world and pass them on to future generations. There are various types of museums such as historical, scientific, technological, philology, fine arts and botany.

The museum was a new phenomenon that entered Iranian culture in the 19th century. The first museums in the world were personal collections that were not created with the purpose of showing them to the public and only showed people’s interest.

In Iran, for the first time during the reign of Mohammad Ali Shah Qajar, a part of the Golestan Palace was turned into a museum, where precious and historical objects were displayed, but these days, most of the royal palaces have been turned into museums.

The first museum in the world is the Temple of the Gods of Poetry and Music, which is located on a hill in Athens, and after that, the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford, England, is the oldest university museum in the world, which was established in 1683, and the works of the East are kept there.

In 1249 AD, after traveling to Europe and visiting the museums of Russia, France, England, Italy, Switzerland, Germany and Austria, Naseruddin Shah ordered a corner of Golestan Palace to be made into a museum in imitation of them. Of course, this museum was for the king and his entourage. This museum was destroyed after some time and its jewels were handed over to the treasury of the National Bank and the weapons in it were handed over to the Museum of Officers’ College. During the constitutional period, by the order of the Minister of Education, “Sani al-Dawlah”, an office called the Department of Antiquities was created between 1295 and 1297 AD, whose job was to fix the chaotic situation of unauthorized excavations. It was at this time that the “Iran Maarif” museum was established.

Types of museums

The first classification, which remains valid in many countries and is still reflected in the names of the specialized committees of “ICOM”, is the distinction between museums of fine art, applied arts, archeology, history, anthropology, natural sciences, knowledge and technology. Local regional museums and specialized museums.

At the same time, the evolution of museums since World War II has gradually removed the boundaries between disciplines and collections. Now it seems more justified to divide museums into the following types.

  • Art museums
  • Historical museums
  • Specialized museums
  • Science museums
  • Technical and industrial museums

Art museums

Beautiful works and objects about painting, architecture and sculpture, decorative arts and handicrafts, household appliances, calligraphy museum, book and binding, ceramic and tile museum, carpet and carpet weaving museum, carving and inlay museum and They classify wood industries, gems and gems museum and finally textile museum.

Historical bananas

They contain old works and objects that can tell the background of anthropology, archeology and history.

Specialized museums

Historical, artistic and technical works are exposed to the public on special occasions. Two types of these museums are open air museums and local museums.

Science museums

They prepare and preserve plants, animals, stones, soils, fossils and what the human hand did not interfere in their creation, which are classified into types of natural history museums, land animals, plants, fish and marine animals. Scientific museums are the most well-maintained and active museums.

Technical and industrial museums

The technical and industrial creations of man are displayed in the fields of inventions, discoveries, vehicles, machines and the like, and they are known as the Museum of Inventions, the Museum of Discovery, the Museum of Machines and the Museum of Vehicles, etc.

The objectives of the museum

The goals of the museum can be summarized as follows:

  • One of the goals of the museum is to preserve the works of the past and display and transfer them to the future.
  • Evaluation and comparison between historical, practical, technical, industrial and artistic phenomena of the past and present.
  • Another goal of the museum that can be mentioned is to create and strengthen understanding between nations and ethnic groups.
  • Recognizing and showing the contribution of words and nations in world culture and civilization.
  • Enhancing and improving the level of knowledge of students, researchers, etc.
  • Preventing the destruction of native culture and creating a barrier against unfamiliar cultures is also one of the other goals of the museum.

Famous museums of the world

There are many famous museums, such as the Louvre Museum in France, the British Museum in London, the Berra Museum in Milan, the Metropolitan Museum in America, the Leningrad Museum in Russia, Museum of “Italy” in Rome and “Ancient Iran” in Tehran.

Laurel of France

One of the goals of establishing a museum is to preserve and protect the cultural heritage, therefore there is a deep and close relationship between the museum and the cultural heritage. The museum provides a platform for people to learn more about their ancestors and try to preserve their heritage. Children and teenagers should be taught how much paying attention to the ancient culture is effective in the development of the country and improving the culture of future generations.

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