
Medvedev: We will not allow Ukraine to join NATO at any cost – Mehr news agency Iran and world’s news

According to Mehr news agency, citing Rashatoudi, Dmitry Medvedev, the deputy of the Russian Security Council, referring to Moscow’s demand from NATO to respect Russia’s security concerns, emphasized that this country does not want to restrain the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), but any The price will not allow Ukraine to join NATO.

In an article against the idea that Russia made a miscalculation to prevent the expansion of NATO to Ukraine and even caused Finland and Sweden to apply for membership in this alliance, Medvedev said that “these two countries of the Nordic region are already in contact with NATO they had.”

Medvedev wrote in this article: What Russia has always wanted is the non-invitation of NATO from the former parts (separate republics) of our country. Especially those countries with whom we have a territorial dispute.

He pledged that Russia will prevent the threat of Ukraine joining NATO “at any cost”. According to him, since NATO members have claimed that Ukraine is unable to join the alliance during the war and armed conflict, “the war with Ukraine may become permanent because the existence of Russia is in danger.”

In this article, Medvedev explained his approach and opinions about the conflicts in Ukraine in a wider space and in the form of a geopolitical confrontation. According to him, the western countries are fighting with the rest of the world to maintain their hegemony.

According to the former president of Russia, since the goal of Western countries is to impose defeat on a nuclear country, as a result, this goal and intention can bring the end of human civilization. He emphasized that the only option on the table is to re-adjust the balance of power in the world through negotiations, in which Ukraine will no longer exist in its current form, i.e., a “Zerosian” government.

He stated: “Kiev regime must be destroyed and declared legally banned as a fascist organization in civilized Europe.” After the rebalancing, the world order needs an agreement similar to the Helsinki Disarmament Act (Conference) adopted in 1975, and probably a shake-up of the United Nations.

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