Banking and insuranceEconomicalEconomicalBanking and insurance

Melli Bank showed a worthy and valuable face in the financial industry exhibition

According to the financial news report, quoted by the public relations of the National Bank of Iran, Nosrat Elah Shahbazi, the deputy credit officer of the National Bank of Iran, expressed the level of cooperation and strengthening of the joint relations of the National Bank of Iran with the actors of the money, capital and insurance markets in the 15th International Fair of the Financial Industry. The manufacturer evaluated and stated: The provision of technological and innovative services and products by this bank has led to the satisfaction of the managers of economic enterprises and credit institutions and investors in this exhibition, and this has made the face of the bank more worthy and valuable than before. Gives.

Emphasizing that a good effort has been made to provide services in various fields, including comprehensive banking and bank branches abroad, in this exhibition, Shahbazi added: The establishment and presence of different departments of the bank in this exhibition shows that the concerns of customers are This bank has received attention.

He considered the active participation of the National Bank of Iran in the 15th Financial Industry Exhibition as admirable and expressed his hope: “Participation in this exhibition is a serious opportunity to provide services and capabilities of the bank with the aim of strengthening the economic areas and helping the development of the country, and all the elements of the bank in They are trying to provide these services in a more favorable way and we hope that in this exhibition the bank will be able to provide up-to-date and effective services in all areas and respond to the demands of applicants and visitors in a favorable manner.

Shahbazi also stated that the country’s financial industry is growing and we are witnessing creativity in this field, and added: Seeking to create constructive negotiations and relationships, joint and close cooperation in order to provide appropriate and optimal financial services to economic enterprises. Credit institutions, financial groups, investment companies and creative industries present in the exhibition have been established.

He further mentioned: In order to smooth the country’s development path, this bank is determined to play an effective role in providing financial services and foreign exchange and riyal needs of innovative and creative companies, especially large economic enterprises and knowledge-based industries.

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