
Member of the Diagnosing Assembly: Iran will not enter the war

According to the online economy report, quoted by Ferraro, the new war in Gaza started on October 15 with a surprise attack by Hamas on the occupied lands around the Gaza Strip. Hamas fighters killed 1,400 people, including nearly 400 Israeli soldiers, and captured nearly 200 people, including dozens of Israeli soldiers, in their extensive operations, according to the statistics announced by the Israeli regime.
Israelis consider this operation to be one of the biggest blows to Israel in the past half century, and it is estimated that in this operation, Israel suffered the most casualties in one day since the establishment of this regime. In response to this operation, Israel started massive missile and air attacks on Gaza from the very first day.

According to the latest statistics, more than 6,000 residents of Gaza, including thousands of children, have lost their lives due to Israeli attacks and 16,000 people have been injured. In Israel’s indiscriminate attacks on civilian places, hospitals and schools have not been spared from bombings and rockets.
Seyyed Mohammad Sadr, a former senior diplomat and member of the Expediency Council, believes that the continuation of Israel’s crimes will cause the public opinion of the Arab countries to be strongly provoked, and if a cease-fire is not established, it is impossible to predict how far the war can spread.

Sadr says that Iran has no reason to participate in this war and will only continue to pressure Israel’s supporters to stop the crimes of this regime. This former senior diplomat of the Islamic Republic of Iran believes that the public opinion of Islamic countries is already extremely sensitive to Israel’s actions and if these crimes continue, the possibility of escalation of tension in the region will increase more than in the past.

He believes that if this war does not completely stop the process of normalizing Arab countries’ relations with Israel, it will at least delay this process for a long time. In the following, you will read the full text of Hamehan’s interview with Seyyed Mohammad Sadr, a member of the Expediency Council.

Iran’s official position was announced by the leadership. There were some people who acted a little immature and talked as if Iran had interfered in what Hamas was doing. There is no doubt that Hamas has the right to resist the occupation. But Iran was not involved in this matter and as the leadership announced that the recent operation was “the work of intelligent designers and deceased Palestinian youth and activists” and emphasized that “those who say that the recent blow to the Palestinians is caused by non-Palestinians have not known the great nation of Palestine and at least The work of Hamas is right and legitimate, and they are fighting against the occupation and against the crimes that Israel has committed throughout history, and for this reason, their actions can be approved. But Iran, as announced at the highest level of the Islamic Republic of Iran, has not interfered in their operations. The best strategy is for us to express our positions openly and clearly and say that we support the right position of the Palestinians, but we had no role in planning, executing and commanding their operations.

I don’t think that will happen. At the same time that Hamas carried out its operation, American officials and even Israeli officials stated in their comments that there is no evidence that Iran was involved in this operation.

The point is that the heinous crimes that the Israeli regime commits against the civilians of Gaza on a daily basis are such that not only in Iran and not only in the Arab and Islamic countries, but even in the public opinion of Europe, they have been angered and there are protests against Israel’s actions. they present. The presence of nearly 100,000 demonstrators protesting Israel’s actions in London shows that Israel’s open crimes have become so unbearable that it has even provoked the feelings of the citizens of Western countries. It is natural that if Israel’s criminal actions continue continuously, the reactions will be severe.

On Saturday, the Secretary General of the United Nations told reporters in an interview next to the Rafah crossing between Egypt and the Gaza Strip: “Here is the wall between life and death.” This high-ranking international diplomat emphasized that there is no person who sees the crimes committed against the people of Gaza and does not feel pain.

On average, 150 to 200 people were killed daily, and in some days 300 people and even 500 people were killed in one hospital, and thousands of people were displaced. So far, nearly one million and 500 thousand citizens of Gaza have been displaced and homeless. In a world where the slogans of human rights, justice and humanity are constantly chanted, such acts belonging to the past centuries are intolerable for people all over the world.

We should not think that what is happening in Gaza is a normal war, it is true that the principle of war is condemned and immoral, but what Israel is doing is much more inhumane, immoral and criminal than the wars we have seen in the past decades. These crimes have injured most people in the world, and the reaction to these criminal news is justifiable, and it is impossible to predict when the patience of humanitarian and peace-loving citizens will run out.

As I said, it depends on whether these crimes continue or not. Efforts are underway by some countries and international organizations to establish a ceasefire in Gaza and Israel to stop committing crimes. If a ceasefire is given and if Israel does not enter Gaza by land, the possibility of the war spreading to other countries is very unlikely. But if a cease-fire is not formed and the Israeli army enters the Gaza Strip by land and continues mass killing Palestinian civilians, then it is not unlikely that this war will expand and other actors will enter it.

Iran will insist on its positions and try to force Israel’s masters in Washington and other Western capitals to stop the continuation of this regime’s crimes.

The Israelis were surprised. This operation done by Hamas is unprecedented in the history of Israel. Israel has always claimed that in terms of information, both inside the occupied territory, in Arab countries and even in other parts of the world, it has extensive information influence and can have all the news and information at its disposal. But Hamas created and demonstrated the idea that Israel does not have acceptable intelligence elites inside the occupied territories.

Of course, I am not aware of the accuracy of this statistic, the number of Israelis killed is the number they announced themselves. But reports show that Hamas had planned this operation for about two years or more. In this operation, it was the art of designing Hamas operations, as well as the art of confidentiality and protection of Hamas information, which during two years. Three years of planning for this operation did not allow the Israelis to notice it and it took them by surprise. This was a great success for Hamas, which was able to carry out this operation successfully. Hamas has struck Israel, although many damages have been done to the Gaza Strip and many innocent civilians of the Gaza Strip have lost their lives, especially children, but still until now, despite all the damage done to the Gaza Strip The winner of this war is Hamas.

As I said, the popular sentiments of all Arab countries are against Israel. About two or three years ago, a polling institute in America conducted a survey in Arab countries to evaluate the opinion of citizens of the Arab world towards America. The result of the survey was that 80% of the citizens of Arab countries had a negative opinion of America. In this survey, the main reason for Arabs’ negative view of America is the support that America provides to Israel. The demand of the citizens of Arab countries is that the American support to Israel is cut off. It is for this reason that although the rulers of some Arab countries seek to establish relations with Israel, the desire of the Arab nations is always an obstacle to complete normalization, and the Arab governments, as they wanted, were never able to easily establish cordial relations with Israel under the pressure of the United States. establish

In all these countries, they will help the Palestinian people and the people of Gaza as much as they can, now this is either financial or humanitarian aid, and it is natural that if they ever have the ability to fight back, they will fight back. In the same meeting held in Egypt, the position taken by the king of Jordan was very strong and decisive against Israel.

Yes, Jordan has an ambassador in Israel. It is natural that if an opportunity arises, the people of Arab countries will take measures to support the Palestinian people.

As you said yourself, Hezbollah is a very powerful military force, and you know that the only group that has defeated Israel militarily and expelled it from its own land during these 75 years was Lebanon’s Hezbollah. Arab countries have failed several times when they went to war with Israel, but Hezbollah was able to drive Israel out of southern Lebanon. For this reason, Israel is very afraid of Hezbollah. Recently, one of the Israeli journalists named Menashe Amir, in an interview in response to the question, “How much stronger is Hezbollah than Hamas?” First he answered, 10 times and then he corrected his answer and said 100 times. There is such a perception in Israel regarding the power of Hezbollah. But as you said, Hezbollah is not just a military group, it is a political party, it is present in the Lebanese government and parliament. Hezbollah itself will decide based on the facts, interests and interests of Lebanon. As far as I know the leaders of Hezbollah, whether Seyed Hassan Nasrallah, who is a very wise person and a true diplomat and politician, or other leaders of this group, they make decisions based on their own and their country’s interests.

It does not mean at all that Iran has a desire that is against the interests of Lebanon. Lebanon is a friendly country of Iran, which has a very long history of cordial relations between the two countries, especially with the history of Imam Moussa Sadr in Lebanon, the connection of interests and friendship between the two countries cannot be ignored. Despite the fact that many years have passed since the loss of Imam Moussa Sadr, his pictures are still installed everywhere in the cities and villages of Lebanon, and great respect is given to this Iranian personality in Lebanon. Certainly, Iran will never say anything that is against the interests of Lebanon.

It is true that Lebanon’s Hezbollah is a close ally of Iran, but the Lebanese government and the Lebanese people are also considered friends of Iran. Any decision taken will be based on the interests of Lebanon, the interests of Iran and the common interests of the two countries.

Undoubtedly, the war will affect the peace of Ibrahim and the process of normalization of relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel. The minimum effect of this war is that it delays the implementation of agreements, that is, if it does not return the principle of normalization, the minimum effect of Israel’s attack on Gaza is that the deepening and development of Arab countries’ relations with Israel will be delayed. As I said, the Arab nations, especially in Saudi Arabia, whose leaders consider themselves the custodians of the Holy Mosque and are proud of their position in the Islamic world, will definitely oppose the process of relations and the negotiations will be disrupted. If Israel’s crimes continue, the principle of the case may fail. Don’t forget that the founder of Ibrahim’s peace was the former president of the United States, Donald Trump, who is known for his personality and psychology. None of the previous presidents of the United States were willing to recognize the occupied Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and move their embassy to this city, but Trump did this illegally. Ibrahim Zaideh’s peace plan is the brainchild of a person who is so well-known in the world in terms of psychology and personality that I don’t need to explain more about it.

There are two issues in this context; First, America’s policies towards Israel will definitely not change. The most important goal of America in the Middle East is to maintain Israel’s security. This is a fixed and bipartisan policy in America and has nothing to do with the Democratic or Republican government. Maintaining the security of Israel is the main goal of America in the Middle East and it will not change. The second issue is that even in America with this protectionist policy towards Israel, even in the era of a person like George Bush Jr., who had similarities with Donald Trump in terms of extremism.

During Joe Biden’s recent visit to Israel, the US president told Netanyahu not to repeat the mistake we made after September 11 and not to enter Gaza; Therefore, it is natural that America does not want the expansion of the war, especially as we are approaching the American election season and Biden and the Democratic Party will need the votes of Jews and Zionists living in America.

Both countries have relations with Israel and both have ambassadors in Israel. The people of these two countries are strongly anti-Israel, and the pressure of public opinion will definitely affect the policies of these countries and changes will be made, but the changes will not mean radical changes.

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