Minister of Guidance: 6 films on the subject of Palestine are being produced

According to the Fars news agency’s art reporter, the Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance, Mohammad Mahdi Esmaili, appeared on the program “To the Horizon of Palestine” on Tuesday night, November 30, and spoke about some artistic and cultural issues related to the issue of Gaza.
At first, referring to the crimes of the Zionist regime in the invasion of Gaza, he stated: As a history teacher, I say that the crimes of the Zionist regime are unprecedented in history. The number of children who were martyred in Gaza in these 50 days and the places that were bombed is unbelievable. They commit these crimes in front of the media without any hesitation. As a history teacher, I would like to say that such crimes have not happened together in the same place during the modern history.
Expressing that he hopes the end of these crimes will be the destruction of the Zionist regime, he said: oppression does not last and when the oppressor falls, he will be at the highest level of violence. We hope for divine promises for this important.
Making 6 movies about Gaza
Esmaili announced the news that 6 new films are under contract at the Farabi Film Foundation on the topic of Gaza, and added: One of these films will start shooting in the next few days. Also, my colleagues in Farabi entered into negotiations with the producer for the production of “Survivor 2” and this film is on its way to production. Our aim is to fully support all short films and screenplays that deal with the issue of Palestine. Mr. President also gave me direct orders twice that the Ministry of Culture should support art productions on the subject of Palestine.
The success of the Resistance Front in the media narrative
In response to the question of whether our country’s media have the necessary preparation to participate in the media battleground, the Minister of Culture stated: In my opinion, in recent events, the media narrative of the resistance front has prevailed. One of the reasons is that the severity of the regime’s crimes and its recklessness are very obvious. The night when the hospital was set on fire, the media atmosphere of the world was seriously shaken. The second variable is the hard work of media children, we have lost more than 50 dear journalists in this regard.
He added: “Lebanese journalists’ narration of Zionist crimes is painful.” This Zionist regime deliberately hits any place where a journalist is stationed. Today’s martyrdom of two journalists of al-Mayadeen network also happened in the area outside the military environment. This regime does not spare anyone.
The Minister of Culture announced the news that more than 95% of the Tik Tok social network, which is outside the influence of the supporters of this regime, are supporters of Palestine, and explained: They officially censor their own social networks, as an example of this in the current We met dear Sardar Soleimani. However, in the same colonial networks, the bottom is completely in favor of the flow of resistance. This point shows that the work of our children was acceptable.
Esmaili stated that we have been able to convey this voice to the world in the field of oppression narrative, and emphasized: Culture and media in our country are not separate from the general fabric of the people. The western media inside the country advertises that support for Palestine belongs to the government and a minority of people. In subversive gatherings, they chant slogans against Lebanon and Palestine. While the survey of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance in September shows that more than three quarters of the Iranian society support the position of the government on the issue of Palestine.
He added: Iranian people are with the oppressed. If the members of the media want to find a common language with the society, they should go along with this current of thought. Our artists in the fields of cinema, music and visualization, and our poets and writers are busy producing cultural and artistic works for Palestine. There is also a high enthusiasm among journalists for deployment.
The Palestinian issue is the common point of the resistance front
Stating that an internal convergence has been established, Esmaili said: “In the early days of the crime, we had a program in one of the news agencies, where all media personalities with different tendencies were present.” Today, the issue of Palestine and Quds has created convergence in the Islamic world and inside the country. There is no Iranian who does not stand by the oppressed, regardless of their views and tastes.
The Minister of Culture expressed his gratitude to the artists and media for their cooperation in supporting the oppressed, and emphasized: It is expected that this cooperation will be complete. All those who have a platform and a platform must declare their position and show their support for the oppressed.
Stating that we are all under divine test, he added: We expect our famous artist to show that the artist is not apart from the sorrow of the society.
Esmaili continued: Where are the Security Council, the United Nations and the Human Rights Council? They turn a natural event into a scenario for chaos. Now nearly 14 thousand innocent people have been martyred.
Survivor 2 under construction
The Minister of Culture emphasized that our colleagues must strongly support the art products related to Palestine and said: At the beginning of the book week, I presented a book about the occupied Palestinian villages to Mr. President. He emphasized there that the Ministry of Guidance must support artistic productions.
He added: On 15 Azar, Mr. Tazami will perform three nights at the Vahdat Hall, the reason being the issue of Palestine. We will have a special section on Gaza and Palestine at the Fajr International Film Festival and the Truth Documentary Festival. In this way, everyone is motivated. As you know, the director of Fajr Film Festival is the producer of Shekarchi Shabaneh.
Saying that supporting the publication of books in this field is special, Esmaili said: In the field of music, many singers cooperated with the Rudaki Foundation. I think the story of Palestine will become a turning point in resistance productions. Such a crime in this high volume affected all sectors.
He added: “In the nights when images of Gaza were broadcast, families slept with tears and crying.” These images are very painful and target human consciences. In the story of Gaza, we do not have neutral people and everyone is either on the side of the oppressor or on the side of the oppressed. Can anyone watch these crimes and be silent?
Referring to the 49 journalists who were martyred for the crime of narrating oppressed events, the Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance said: Journalists are immune all over the world. Surely their prayers and looks are valuable for us. These are the narrators of this horrible crime. Their work is not unlike the lady of Karbala who was a messenger.
The Zionist regime will not survive the destruction of Gaza
Stating that the Zionist regime will not survive the Gaza massacre, he added: The blood of these oppressed martyrs will definitely haunt the Zionist regime forever. We will soon see the fall of this regime. This is the first Qibla of us Muslims. The movement of resistance will win and we will pray in Al-Aqsa Mosque.
Saying that a new leaf was turned in the resistance with the victory of the revolution, Esmaili recalled: The Islamic revolution won at a point when non-religious currents had raised their hands as a sign of compromise. The distance between Camp David and the victory of the Islamic Revolution is less than 6-7 months.
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