cultural and artisticradio and TV

Mirhossein Mousavi’s performance from the words of his friends + film

According to the reporter of Fars News Agency Radio and Television, the “Handwriting” program, which deals with frank and analytical conversations with the political, cultural, economic, medical and social elites of different historical periods of the country, is a work of the social group of Panj Sima channel, which is run by Mohammad Hossein Ranjbaran. will be

In parts of the conversations of the “Handwriting” program, references to the experience of the guests of this program have been published under the title “Performance of Mirhossein Mousavi from the language of his friends”. Mohammad Javad Haqshanas (former member of the Tehran Islamic Council), Mohammad Ali Vakili (former representative of the people of Tehran and editor-in-chief of Ebtekar newspaper), Ali Agha Mohammadi (member of the Nizam’s Neighborhood Recognition Assembly), Issa Kalantari (head of the Environmental Protection Organization in the 12th government) and Abdul Naser Hemmati (former head of the Central Bank of Iran) are among the people who commented on Mousavi’s performance in Fatna 88 in this video file.

In the following video, you can see the comments of political figures regarding Mirhossein Mousavi’s performance in Fitna 88:

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