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Mujahideen defectors who don’t know if their families are alive or dead! – Mehr news agency Iran and world’s news

According to the reporter of Mehr, Ebrahim Khodabande, the CEO of Nejat Association, who has been 23 years since his youth As a member of the People’s Mojahedin Organization, the live guest of the network was informed about the documentary “From Tirana To Tehran” provided explanations.

In his initial explanation, Khodabandeh said, referring to the Salvation Association, which is made up of returning members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization, we feel a duty to show the true nature of this organization. There is also a human rights situation in this regard and the families have not known about their loved ones for 40 years.

He added: Asila There is an association in this field that has been formed in Albania. We invited the Albanian members of this association to come to Tehran and meet the expectant families. As a result of their meeting, pictures were prepared with the presence of professional videographers and in cooperation with Press Network T He worked on these images for four months to make the documentary format “From Tirana To Tehran” took over.

Tirana To Tehran” deals with prisoners of Mojahedin organization, their families and terror victims

The CEO of Anjuman Nejat explained about the features of this work: This documentary first deals with the victims of this organization and the members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization who endure the most severe human rights violations and have no connection with the world and their families. In the second place, we have families who have suffered a lot and after 40 years are just waiting to hear the voice of their loved ones or even to hear news from them. In another part of this documentary, the assassination victims of the Mojahedin Organization are also discussed.

Khodabandeh said about the activities of the Nejat Association: Since the members of the organization have no connection with the outside, some fugitives only after a few Decade They find out that their relatives have died or whatever they try trace They don’t find them and one of the tasks of the association is to save them to do These are Unfortunately, human rights conditions Pity a burden There are some in the organization that have not been paid much attention to them.

Producer of “From Tirana Ta Tehran” stated about Mujahideen’s dealings with the separated members: the organization has a hostile attitude towards the separated members and Masoud Rajavi He has repeatedly said that their right is execution. Because according to them, it is forbidden to go out, have a family and any contact with the world. Mojahedin spends a lot of money to put pressure on the separatists and create legal cases for them. Our motive in Salvation Society is to try to prevent the youth from being deceived like our youth.

Focus on virtual space

He in the supplementary explanation About association Asila He mentioned: A number of good Albanians brought this association to legal registration Maqri have considered and spent; Iranian families also help as much as they can Asila to be able to solve the residence issues of the separated, get work permits for them. There are even some isolated ones who Albania are married while Each These things (living and being free) are forbidden according to the People’s Mojahedin Khalq organization, and they are against the slogan of freedom, especially about women, and they use the most repression against Women Rua Have had.
The virtual activity of 1,500 Mujahideen people, ten each I see account fake have

In the end, Khodabandeh said: Since the People’s Organization of Iran has been cut short, they have focused on activities in the virtual space and are active without naming themselves. Because they know how hated they are, they don’t name themselves, but 1500 of them are in front of the computer every day and each one with ten I see account fakehave targeted the psychological security of Iranians, and they have been the source of most rumors targeting Iran.

Documentary “From Tirana To Tehran” production Pres T He was broadcast last week on this network and later on Hi Three, five and jam jam goes on the air.

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