My Persian Demand of 16 thousand people to monitor the content of the home show network

Fars News Agency – Department of Art and Media: The Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution discussed the policies and regulations of the field of universal sound and image in the evening meeting of Tuesday, June 30, and approved the single article “Determining the requirements for the organization of the field of universal sound and image”. According to the resolution of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution, the task of supervision in the field of universal audio and video platforms and home television networks is the responsibility of the Broadcasting Organization according to the constitution and related laws, and henceforth, the Broadcasting Organization is responsible for monitoring the home television network. This discussion caused many controversies in the field of culture and art of the country, and the media criticized it with one voice, as if it was the first time that this supervision and regulation was entrusted to the national media.
But the truth is that Satra, as the executive arm of the national media, has been the supervisor and regulator of home television networks since 2018, but due to the lack of law in the judiciary, it did not reach the desired result in many cases. It had reached a point where other home television networks were publishing serials without permission, and the reforms proposed by this supervisory body (Satra) were not only not carried out, but these platforms were more intensively focusing on breaking the norm in their works.
Now, the importance of this resolution is that it can lead to the formation of laws for the first time in the field of comprehensive audio and video regulation. A nascent field where the lack of law has undoubtedly caused its anomalies to spread. Obviously, no one is against the activity and even the expansion of home theater, what is important is to accept the law and move towards Islamic Iranian models.
A look at the claims and campaigns The interactive system of “Fares Man” in monitoring the subject of home shows and some serials published from these platforms shows the situation governing them.
* Demand of more than 16 thousand people
Since the beginning of this year, more than 16,000 users of the Fars Man interactive system have registered various campaigns to monitor the content of the series of the home TV network and to stop the showing of taboos and anomalies in the VODs.
The need to deal with issues such as promoting abnormality in home movies, reviewing the continuation of broadcasting series that promote content that is contrary to society’s customs, dealing with unethical concepts in home show network series, preventing the production of vulgar and contentless series in home show network and support One of the main axes of the demands of the users of “Pers Man” is the decision to hand over the home television network to Sedavsima.
* A threat to shake the foundation of the family
My Fars users in PoishThe need to address the issue of promoting abnormality in home movies” have supported a content that states: “The home show network was created to open a knot, but unfortunately it added a knot to the previous cultural knots, and while this platform can be an exceptional opportunity to promote the Islamic and Iranian lifestyle, but It has become a threat to shake the foundation of the family.”
The editor of this campaign further wrote: “The home show promotes issues such as triangular or even square love, cohabitation and the vulgarity of the relationship between men and women and making it look normal, vulgar music, thick makeup and awkward clothing, and by showing the lives of Aristocracy and glamor in these productions are a simple life and the lower class of society is always given a bad image, and the good characters of the story are always those who have such a life, house and car.
In another survey that was previously related to “Revision in the continuation of the release of the series” was published, it is said: “Regarding the violations of “Filimo” in the production and broadcast of marginal series and against religious, cultural, national and Islamic concerns, in the new series of the home show “Rahim Ken” it has gone further and It seeks to promote promiscuity and air silly dialogues between “deviant” actresses.
* There is no supervision over the control of dialogue concepts and story creations
Also in the surveyMonitor the dialogue and scripts of home network series“, the control of the transferred concepts behind the dialogues and atmospheres of the story has been emphasized and the profit-oriented view of the platform owners has been criticized.
The editor of this campaign has written that “unfortunately, the view of obtaining maximum profit and attracting the audience at any cost has caused that in the virtual space of celebrities and in the home screen space of some service providers, all the assets of a nation, from culture and religion to the ethics and customs of the society, loot and destroy, which is the most optimistic scenario possible because sometimes it is seen that some of these people or companies have taken this path by supporting and taking a line from the opponents of the regime. The problem is that most of the monitoring is done on the formal content (covering and hijab or removing obscenity) and there is no supervision on the control of the concepts transferred behind these dialogues and story creations, and these companies bypass the monitoring institutions very well. . It seems that everything should not be sacrificed for the profit of a few companies and producers or movie actors, and any setback in this work will cause irreparable damage to the future generation of the country.”
*Persian version of Turkish satellite series
in the surveyNot to the unethical concepts in home network series“, which has criticized the damage of watching most of the TV series on the audience’s psyche and mind: “If we criticize the TV series from the audience’s point of view, is there anything in the induction and training to be pessimistic towards others, fear of Humans, increasing the vocabulary of swear words in alphabetical order, needing nerve pills after watching fight sequences, normalizing rudeness in society by teaching ridiculous words and jokes that are far from polite, showing unconventional relationships (it looks very funny and simple but The meaning of the love triangle in these films teaches exactly the same concept, that is, they teach the members of the society about the collapse of the family. We are actually seeing the Persian version of Turkish satellite series) and several other harms that cannot be mentioned.”
* Breaking and normalizing in the home show
“Accelerating the stopping of anomalies in home cinemaIt is another topic that is mentioned in the campaigns related to the home show network. In this campaign, users have supported a claim that reads: “For some time now, some taboos have been broken in the home cinema network; Such as the comfortable relationship between the two sexes, the relationship between a married man and a woman, men’s full dance in movies and series (even sometimes women), the use of ugly words and the like, the Islamic society should not allow normalization in these fields.
According to Fars report, Saeed Moqiseh, the head of the organization for regulating sound and image regulation in the virtual space, recently participated in a special news interview, explaining the resolution of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution, in which the regulation of the home television network was entrusted to the National Media (Satra). while referring to the contents that are prohibited, he said: “Weakening the place of religion, promoting the use of alcoholic beverages, promoting the use of tobacco, nudity and nakedness, vulgar music and dance, excessive violence, non-Islamic lifestyle, promoting superstition and Extreme denigration and despairing are among the things that should not be in the content of the home television network and the entire media of the country. But this does not mean that none of these cases have been published, but that there have been violations in some places.”
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