My Persian Details of the government’s assistance to the low-income groups for the provision and installments of the National Housing Movement

Hadi Abbasi, in an interview with the economic reporter of Fars News Agency, referring to the latest status of the National Housing Movement’s construction facilities, said: The Supreme Housing Council increased the facility ceiling to 550 million tomans in all cities, and this ceiling was approved by the Money and Credit Council and given to banks. It was announced and now all applicants of the National Housing Movement will receive a loan of 550 million tomans, also those applicants of previous plans such as the National Housing Action Plan who did not succeed in completing their housing with the previous loan, can receive facilities under the new ceiling.
Referring to the government’s plan to ease the conditions of applicants for the National Housing Movement in low-income deciles, the Deputy Housing and Construction Minister of Roads and Urban Development said: For deciles 1 to 4, there was generally an initial deposit problem, and for deciles 1 and 2, an amount of 400 million tomans of 15-year 2% loan was considered to cover the initial deposit.
He added: Also, for the 3rd and 4th income deciles, there is a 300 million tomans 15-year 2% facility.
Abbasi said: This facility is for low-income deciles in addition to the 550 million tomans loan, and as I emphasized, it is to cover the initial income.
Regarding the interest rate of the housing facility, this official said: The interest rate of this facility is determined by the law and by the Money and Credit Council, and the repayment period will also be determined in accordance with the housing production jump law, the total participation period and installment sales of 20 years.
According to Fars report, the audience of Fars news agency requested to address this issue by registering a campaign of my Fars system under the title “Reduce the installments and interest of the national mortgage”.
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