Cinema and theatercultural and artisticCinema and theatercultural and artistic

Narration of a real disaster on the theater stage

The writer and director of the show “The Complete Guide to Becoming a Monster” said that this show is about a real tragedy.

Charso Press: Sohab Mohibali said: In recent years, in shows such as “Night of Criminals”, “Aura” and “Mushmargi”, we tried to discuss psychological issues related to domestic murders. In this show, with the presence of expert consultants in this field, we took new steps to reach a new form in narrating a documentary story.

Mohibali called the special attention to the issues that have led to tragedies such as infanticide and spousal killing all over the world as the theme of the show “Comprehensive Guide to Becoming a Monster” and said: “Everywhere in the world we see violence against the family, especially children, for psychological reasons and It has a lot of knowledge that has not been discussed much.

He added: The “Comprehensive Guide to Becoming a Monster” show is based on a real incident that happened in Colorado, USA in 2018, during which a man named Christopher Watts killed his wife and two daughters, which had a lot of coverage in the world media.

He called the reception of the audience in the first ten days of the performance as favorable and appropriate and added: the main stream of the country’s theater today is not in the big and government halls, but in the private sector and independent shows, which can create a new and forward-looking stream of the country’s show.

In the show “Comprehensive Guide to Becoming a Monster”, Mohammad Reza Hassanzadeh, Aylar Noushehri, Masoumeh Mirashe, Shaqaig Azizi, Neda Ghasemi, Behzad Naji, Nilan Nekoui, Sara Lotfi, Parnia Asgari, Nagheme Madadi, Mohammad Reza Davodi, Sara Boluri, Fatemeh Fayazi played by have played a role

Also, Sara Moghaddam as assistant director and Zahra Pourreza as stage manager, Frank Zahiri as movement designer, Roza Omidzadeh as costume designer, Zohra Samaghabadi as make-up designer, Shahab Sharifi as stage designer, Hamed Sharifi as poster designer and accompany this performance group.

“Comprehensive guide to becoming a monster” will be performed until the end of December at 20:15.

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