cultural and artisticHeritage and Tourism

National registration of the site of Qara Hasanlu; Convergence of industrial development and heritage preservation

The ancient site of Qara Hasanlu around Nemin city was identified and then registered in the list of national monuments after the construction of a steel factory. Now the lovers of the history and culture of Iran are waiting to see how the valuable building related to the Parthian period, next to an industrial center, is preserved. Will it be revived and introduced?

According to IRNA reporter, the importance of tangible and intangible cultural heritage and its research, cultural, social, economic, political and identity functions is not hidden from anyone, and developed societies and nations that value their history and culture, to preserve and protect it. they try.

In addition to cultural, social, political and identity benefits, historical and civilizational heritage also has economic benefits, and it is expected that in addition to preserving and protecting valuable human heritage, we will also benefit from its economic blessings by using scientific and correct methods.

It was the winter of 1400, following the construction of a steel factory near Nemin city of Ardabil province and the discovery of signs from the Qara Hasanlu area related to the Parthian period, the issue of protection and the necessity of archaeological excavations in it was discussed and exchanged in social networks. It is said that four graves and two thousand-year-old metal objects were found in the area.

At the beginning of this year, social claimants and lovers of cultural heritage in Ardabil province and some from other regions launched a campaign in cyberspace in order to highlight the issue and explain the importance of the ancient site of Qara Hasanlu. The distance of 10 kilometers from the Ardabil to Abi Biglo road) – the end of the Wilkej plain and the beginning of the Ardabil plain – has been discovered.

Qara Hasanlu

In this article you will read:

Qara Hasanlu area; A light on the ancient history of Iran

According to Adalat Ezatpour, doctor of history, author and researcher of Iranian history, according to the oral history of the region, a pond that has existed in that area since ancient times and was called Urta Qarama tells of the existence of water as the most vital requirement for the formation of civilization in this region. had.

Referring to the characteristics of this site, he added: Most of the ancient sites discovered in Ardabil are related to the Parthian period, but none of the artifacts found in this period are as large as the ancient site of Qara Hasanlu Vilkij, and the various objects found in this area are unique. It is unique and unique.

This researcher in the field of Iranian history mentioned: According to the excavations of Qara Hasanlu Vilkij civilization, it belongs to the Iron Age and Parthian period. From this ancient site, which was a ritual site, artifacts such as simple pottery from the Iron Age and pottery such as bowls, jars, pots and pans from the Parthian period, and most importantly, evidence of four human burials in the arched style have been found.

He continued: Human burial in ancient Iran has its own importance and place and is very helpful in understanding the culture, customs, religions and beliefs of our ancestors.

Ezzatpour added: a huge adobe structure, which according to the architecture of the structure; Three stone rows below and seven to 10 clay rows on it in the outer body along with the supports and the middle and its main surfaces up to the ground level are built with clay. Silk Kashan, next to Sandal Jiroft, the ancient citadel of Nushijan Malair should be placed.

Hypotheses that should be taken seriously

He stated: the ancient site of Qara Hasanlu had a ritual function, that is, a temple, this type of function proposes hypotheses such as that the residential and urban area of ​​this civilization must have been explored around and near this site. . For this reason, the continuation of excavations or any other action in this area requires expert opinions and a very detailed investigation.

This Iranian history researcher added: the most important tool for investigating historical periods is written works, and in fact, written works have caused the formation of historical periods, but not all historical events have been transmitted to the next generations in written form, and this becomes more important, especially in ancient history. .

Ezzatpour continued: In such cases, non-written works, i.e. monuments and historical works, come to the aid of history and solve many dark corners, especially in historical periods such as the Parthian period, where the written sources for that period are very small and compared to other periods. There is a lack of written sources.

Referring to the importance of the discovered monuments and historical monuments related to the Parthian period in Iran, he said: The Parthian period works are rarely found in Iran and are often lost. But in Ardabil, most of the ancient sites belong to the Parthian period. The important point is that none of the artifacts found in this period in Ardabil is as large as the ancient site of Qara Hasanlu Wilkij and even the objects obtained from this area are unique in their own way. Therefore, the ancient heritage of Qara Hassanlu Wilkij is a treasure of the period. Parthian history in Iran and Ardabil can answer many obscure questions of the Parthian period and clarify many obscure and dark angles of this period.

The three-thousand-year heritage of Qarahasanlu and the sustainable development requirements of Ardabil province

With the start of construction of Nemin Steel Factory, an ancient heritage that has a three thousand year old civilization in its heart has risen from the ground and tells us about our ancestors and ancient history. Now it is the history researchers who should shed light on the dark parts of the history of Parthian Iran by studying and analyzing this heritage.

The construction of Nemin Steel Factory has caused concerns for heritage enthusiasts, history and archeology experts, and people of the province and region. Of course, heritage activists are not against the construction of a steel factory and the development of the province, but demands such as the national registration of the protected area, respecting the privacy and stopping any construction and civil operations in the privacy of the area, building a temporary roof for the area against the weather and sun, building an ancient site and Transferring the discoveries to the site and allocating another suitable land at a suitable distance from the ancient site to the steel factory, one of their most important demands, namely the national registration of this site, was realized in recent days.

In the meantime, the drip-drip notification of the General Department of Cultural Heritage of the province in recent months had led to concerns among the media and social claimants. An approach that led to holding a meeting with the presence of the former director general of cultural heritage, tourism and handicrafts of the province with cultural heritage activists. In this meeting, by accepting the criticism of the claimants regarding the way of informing about the ancient site of Qara Hasanlu, it was announced that after this, the Public Relations Department of the General Administration will try to avoid misunderstandings in this regard among the public opinion and lovers of historical places.

Also, it was decided that one of the claimants, as their representative, should communicate with the vice president of cultural heritage and the head of the exploration team so that he will be provided with updated information and he will provide the necessary information according to the needs of the public opinion about the Qarahasanlu area.

Also, the General Administration of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts of Ardabil announced that the capacity of Mohaghegh University of Ardabili will be used for the archeology group and in this regard a memorandum of understanding will be concluded and part of the protection and maintenance of the Qara Hasanlu area will be entrusted to this group. Now and in the situation that Fardin Eini has been entrusted with the leadership of the General Department of Cultural Heritage of the province, it is expected that in the new era, action will be taken to eliminate this vacuum and to complement the demands of these activists with the development and deepening of archaeological studies.

What has the steel factory done for the ancient site of Qarahasanlu?

In July of this year, in response to the public’s concern about the fate of the ancient site near the steel factory under construction, the deputy speaker of the Islamic Council said: The ancient site of Qara Hasanlu Nemin, which was discovered in the area of ​​the steel factory, will be protected and preserved.

Ali Nikzad stated: Considering the location of the ancient site of Qara Hasanlu Nemin within the boundaries of the steel factory under construction, cultural and heritage issues will definitely be considered by this complex and the discovered building will be protected.

He added: The steel factory is not built on cultural heritage and the factory itself has spent 970 million Tomans in a contract with the Cultural Heritage Research Institute to explore the ancient site of Qara Hasanlu.

National registration and subsequent expectations of claimants

According to the announcement of the General Administration of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts of Ardabil, in August of this year, the historical monument of Qara Hasanlu Nemin was registered in the list of national immovable monuments with the registration number 33804, and the registration plate of this building is to be signed by the high official of the relevant ministry. to be notified to the governor of Ardabil.

In August of this year, the historical monument of Qara Hasanlu Namin was registered in the list of national immovable monuments with the registration number 33804, and the registration plate of this building is to be sent to the governor of Ardabil with the signature of the high official of the relevant ministry.

This general administration announced that around 2,000 hectares of the area of ​​Qara Hasanlu had already been changed and handed over to the Nemin Special Economic Zone. In the second half of last year, for the establishment of an iron and steel factory in this area, an inquiry was made to the General Department of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts of Ardabil province, and an expert opinion was requested for the transfer of 97 hectares of the special economic zone for the implementation of the plan.

In 900 square meters of the area, a 2,000-year-old Parthian ritual building and four burials were found. After restoration, these burials and other objects were handed over to the Sheikh Safiuddin Ardabili tomb collection repository. .

According to the announcement of the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts of Ardabil; Three thousand and 300 square meters of the mentioned 97 hectares are located in the historical area of ​​Qara Hasanlu Nemin and in the rest of the land, 96 thousand and 630 square meters, it was technically possible to implement the project, but the investor and the designers of the steel factory announced that due to technical issues, in a part of Three thousand and 300 square meters located in the historical area, need to install devices.

According to the public relations announcement of the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts of Ardabil, with the signing of a contract worth 9.7 billion rials between the investors and the Cultural Heritage Research Institute in Tehran, the rescue exploration of the site began under the supervision of this research institute, and the rescue operation started in February last year. It started and was carried out until May 15 this year, and out of a total of 3,300 square meters of the area, in 900 square meters of the area, a 2,000-year-old Parthian ritual building and four burials were found. These burials and other objects which was obtained, after restoration, it was delivered to the repository of Sheikh Safiuddin Ardabili’s mausoleum complex.

Now that with the help of social networks, the sensitivity of public opinion and the follow-up of journalists and the efforts of relevant authorities, the ancient site of Qara Hasanlu in Ardabil province has been registered in the national register, the concern of social claimants and those interested in ancient works has not ended, but they are following the matter carefully to see. What plans will be defined and implemented for its protection, maintenance and introduction, and more importantly, what will be the fate of Qara Hasanlu next to the steel factory, and what considerations will be considered in the process of building the factory?

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