New details of how Dariush Mehrjoui and his wife were killed

According to Fars news agency, Hossein Fazli Harikandi, Chief Justice of Alborz province, announcing the indictment of the accused in the murder case of Dariush Mehrjoui and Mrs. Ruqieh (Vahida) Mohammadi Far in Fardis, stated: On the 22nd of Mehr of this year, the report of the discovery of the body of the late Mehrjoui and His wife, Mrs. Mohammadifar Waseel, said that considering the type of crime and the role and position of the late Mehrjooi in the country’s cinema, from the very first minutes of the crime, the prosecutor and special investigator of the murder of Ferdis Prosecutor’s Office together with the police detectives and the crime scene investigation team at the scene of the discovery The body, which was the residential villa of the late Mehrjooi and his family, came and examined the crime scene and collected the traces, evidence and signs of the crime.
Identification of the accused 5 days after the murder
The Chief Justice of Alborz Province, referring to the follow-ups and orders of the Head of the Judiciary from the very beginning of this crime, which led to a special order addressed to the Chief Justice of Alborz Province, added: The Chief of the Judiciary ordered in the meeting of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary on October 24 By using all facilities, the murderer or murderers will be identified as soon as possible and their case will be dealt with quickly and carefully and lead to the issuance of a verdict.
He pointed out that the manner of the murder and the quality of the arrival of the defendant or defendants indicated the existence of complete familiarity with the town and the place of residence of the victims. Five days after the murder, the accused were identified and arrested, but due to the nature of the crime and the manner of its occurrence, the investigation was continued in order to complete the investigation and collect more evidence, as well as to verify the accuracy of the statements and confessions of the accused.
Introduction of a lawyer for the defendants
He stated that in order to protect the rights of the accused and in the implementation of legal regulations, with the cooperation of the Bar Association, a lawyer was introduced for each of the accused individually, and said: “Personality files were also prepared for all the accused with the presence of a social worker and a psychologist.”
Fazli Harikandi added: by completing the legal preparations, while reconstructing the scene of the murder and interrogation and investigation of the accused in the intelligence police, prison and investigation branch, a face-to-face meeting between the accused to review, match and verify the evidence and their statements with other evidences of the crime with the presence His lawyers and the lawyer of the parents of Dem were held by the investigator of the case.
He reminded that with repeated inquiries from the Alborz province forensic medicine and Faraja police identity recognition center, all aspects of the matter were clarified and added: Finally, after the completion of the preliminary investigation, the investigator of the case will bring the case to trial and subsequently the necessary indictment. In less than two months from the time of the murder, Fardis prosecutor issued the case and the case was sent to a criminal court in Alborz province to deal with the accusations of the accused.
Details of the indictment of the four accused in the case
The Chief Justice of Alborz province explained some details of the issued indictment and said: According to the issued indictment, according to the contents of the case, including the statements of the accused and the statements of the informants, it was found that the four accused in the case with the primary and main motive of “revenge for enmity” and personal disputes” as well as “theft” entered the late Mehrjooi’s house.
Two attempts to enter the late Mehrjooi’s villa
He added: “The accused have entered the villa of the late Mehrjoei twice, the first time was on 16th of October, and after entering the villa area, due to the closed doors of the building and the knowledge of Mr. Mehrjoei’s wife about their presence, they ran away from the place. Ms. Mohammadi Far publishes this issue in cyberspace, but does not report to the police or announce a complaint.
How to kill the late Mehrjooi and his wife
Fazli Harikandi pointed out that after failing the first time, about a week later on the 22nd of Mehr, the accused entered the villa area again, and said: these people, due to their sufficient knowledge of the town and the surroundings of the villa, this time through the other door and from the side The kitchen easily entered the main building of the villa with a knife, when the late Mohammadifar took refuge in his daughter’s bedroom upon seeing them, and the late Mehrjooi also got into a fight with two of them, and during this fight, he was killed with multiple stabs.
He added: According to the statements of the defendants and the reconstruction of the scene and the examination of the documents, two other defendants followed Mrs. Mohammadifar into the bedroom and demanded her jewelry, which the deceased Mohammadifar took with her jewelry such as bangles and bracelets. It is up to them.
The Chief Justice of Alborz province emphasized that according to the statements of the defendants, these two people did not intend to kill Mrs. Mohammadi Far, but in the meantime, another defendant entered the room, who was the one who killed Mehrjooi with a knife. After provoking them and threatening to kill them, one of them hit Mrs. Mohammadifar and then the same person who provoked, who played the role of the designer and leader of the accused, gave the final blow to Mrs. Mohammadifar with a knife.
Theft of jewelry and phones
He continued: After the murder, the defendants search for other valuable property and steal two mobile phones from another room, then they go to another building in the villa area, where they do not find any other valuables. They return from the same route and give the knives and stolen property to one of the defendants who lived outside the town.
The Chief Justice of Alborz province stated that according to these findings and the forensic report and the issued indictment, the killer of both of them was the same person and the role of the other defendants was limited to assisting in the murder or initiating the murder and said: Of course, other charges such as “participation” In armed robbery” is attributed to all of them.
Referring to one of the special aspects of this case, Fazeli Harikandi said: Three of the accused, including the main killer, who were among the suspects arrested in the first days after the crime, initially denied the issue and did not mention the presence of the fourth person. It is hoped that by not discovering the knife used for the murder and the stolen property of the victims, no evidence will be found against them, but after the arrest of the fourth person and the discovery of the knives and stolen property, the main issue and motives will be discovered.
The name of one of the defendants in the text of the failed text message of Mrs. Mohammadifar
He considered one of the documents that helped clarify this case to be related to the contents of Mrs. Mohammadifar’s mobile phone, which was discovered from the defendants, and said: After the discovery of the stolen phone belonging to Mrs. Mohammadifar, the draft of her text message was not sent to her daughter, which contained details. It was observed that he was the accused and the main murderer and informed his daughter about the murderer’s entry into the house.
Motives for murder
The Chief Justice of Alborz Province stated about the motive of the defendants in this case: according to the statements of two of the defendants who knew the deceased beforehand, their idea was that considering the foreign trips of the deceased, including their recent trip to France, that they had property with They keep valuables such as currency and gold at home, so they took them with them with the instigation of two other people and with the promise that with this robbery, their lives will change and they no longer need to work.
He noted: In addition to the financial motive, the other two defendants in the case had previous personal enmity with the late Mehrjooi and his wife, in such a way that one of the defendants mentioned the late Mehrjooi’s aggressive dealings with him, or the other accused about expelling himself from the town on the orders of Mr. Mehrjooi. And the slander of theft is mentioned as one of the motives of the murder.
Referral of the case to a criminal court in Alborz province
He stated that the case has now been sent to a criminal court in Alborz province for consideration and sentencing, and emphasized that: according to the order of the head of the judiciary, this case will be dealt with quickly and accurately and in compliance with legal procedures and regulations, and appropriate rulings will be issued. will be.
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