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New iPhone 14 features that already exist in the Android world

People always like to take sides on different issues for their own reasons. Some people are iPhone fans and others like Android products. We also live in a society that is full of competition. Companies are constantly trying to show their audience and competitors why their product is better than the other. Consequently, whenever a company introduces a feature to its product, the claimant Innovation will be

Apple It is probably one of the most controversial companies in this field. The company always waits long enough for a feature to mature and then implements it into its products. If you visit social networks after the introduction of any iPhone, you can see jokes made with Apple’s innovations; Innovations that in some cases, according to users, should not be considered innovations at all.

Now a new iPhone has been introduced again and the iOS 16 operating system has reached the hands of users. These products include many optimizations and new features. Although Apple claims that all these features are considered new and great, the truth is that some of them have been either fully or partially already in the Android products there were In the following, we will take a look at at least some of these features that have existed in the Android ecosystem before.

Multiple stops on the map

If you are on your way home, and you suddenly decide to go to a bookstore, now with iOS 16 you can easily add the address of the bookstore to the route and ask the map app to take you to the book store before reaching your destination. take it and then show you the way home.

Apple Maps

This feature has been in use for about a year 2017 It is available on Android. Apple has made many improvements to its map in recent years, but it still has a long way to go before it can compete with Google Maps.

Email: Schedule, Unsend, Reminder

In iOS 16, if you hit the Send button and immediately realize you’ve chosen the wrong contact, you have 10 seconds to change your mind and cancel the send (provided the other person is also using iOS 16). ). In addition, in this version you can schedule the sending of emails or ask the application to remind you to read an email later.

Gmail of the year 2018 It comes with an unsend feature, but you can set the time interval for this to be 5, 10, 20, or 30 seconds (this time can be adjusted via the Gmail web version). Plus, you can snooze emails to pop up again later. There is also the ability to schedule emails in this service.

Live captions

The latest version of iOS 16 supports the Live Caption feature. This feature allows the sound of video, audio and conversation files to be instantly converted to text. This feature is useful not only for people who are hard of hearing, but also for anyone who cannot follow conversations easily.

Android of the year 2019 This feature was provided and now the functionality Instant translation It has enabled captions for several languages ​​(of course, the accuracy of these translations is not as accurate as translators). However, Apple’s late arrival here is still a good thing for increasing accessibility to this operating system and can help many deaf and hard of hearing people to have a better experience using the iPhone.

Haptic feedback on the keyboard

Typing on phones is still a chore in 2022. Part of this is due to the lack of feedback from the buttons when writing. Of course, it is not necessary for a mobile keyboard to give feedback to the user like a mechanical keyboard, but it is a good thing to know that when we press a button, we have actually touched it. As a result, iOS 16 has now introduced the haptic feedback feature for its keyboard, which Android provided to users a long time ago.

iOS haptic feedback

The main difference between these two operating systems is that haptic feedback is not enabled by default in iOS 16, but why in Android. So if you want, you have to activate it manually in the first one, but in Android you can turn off this feature manually.

Shared libraries

iOS 16 will soon let you share image libraries. This feature that iCloud Shared Photo Library It can share photos with up to five people based on the date or people in the picture. However, the mentioned feature is not yet available to users and it is supposed to be presented with an update.

In the Android world, Google Photos It allows you to share your entire photo library with one person.

The screen is always on

One of the features that Apple introduced at the Far Out event for its new iPhones was the Always-on Display. This feature is only limited to iPhone 14 Pro and 14 Pro Max It allows you to see the time and your favorite widgets at a glance, and you don’t even have to turn on the screen to do so. Users of this company’s smart watch have had access to this feature since Apple Watch Series 5, but the Cupertinos have just put it on the iPhone, of course, only on iPhone Pro!

This feature of approx 10 years ago It has existed in Android phones. Of course, Google emphasized it again when introducing Android 12, but many users have been using this feature for a long time. Of course, it must be said that the always-on screen on the iPhone has more features for personalization than the Android example.

Fitness application on mobile

The Apple Watch is one of the most popular gadgets for tracking your health, but if you’ve ever been an iPhone user, you know that accessing the official app Fitness Plus Apple Not possible on iPhone. This company has finally allowed its users to use this program on their mobile phones.

Apple Fitness

Google’s official fitness application called Google Fit It has almost always been available for Android phones. This program comes by default with Pixel products, and Samsung also offers its own application by default on Galaxy phones.

Lock screen widgets

This is a bit strange. In iOS 16, Apple allows the user to add up to four widgets to the lock screen. In the Android world, users at the time of release Android 4.2 That is, they achieved this possibility about 10 years ago. But for unknown reasons, Google decided to disable this feature Android 5.0 delete So we leave it up to you to consider this option or not.

Accident detection

At the Far Out event, Apple unveiled features that may be a source of concern for some users. This company has now reached a point where if you get lost in the wild, it can notify the emergency services, if you have a heart attack, and if you have a serious accident, it can notify the emergency services. The last feature, which was first introduced for the Apple Watch Series 8, is also available on the iPhone 14 series so that if you have an accident and you cannot call for help, the device itself will do it for you.

Pixel phones have a similar ability to detect accidents. Google this feature in years 2019 As a default feature to the Personal Safety app for phones pixel added.

High megapixel camera using pixel merging technique

A better camera is one of the reasons that encourage some users to change phones. Many manufacturers used 12 megapixel sensors for years and improved the output images with software tricks. But brands like Samsung and Google finally started using 40 or 50 megapixel sensors and above. Their reasoning wasn’t that we all needed heavy, high-resolution images, it was that larger sensors could gather more information and address issues like noise in low-light environments.

iPhone 14 series

To use these sensors, companies reduce the size of the output image and bring it to the limit of 12 megapixel sensors. Doing this through a technique called Pixel merge It is done in high resolution sensors by removing adjacent pixels and combining them to increase the quality of the image at a lower resolution. If you don’t really need the very high resolution of these sensors, using this technique has many advantages.

However, even products like the Nokia 808 PureView in the year 2012 They had done the same to some extent. Of course, this mechanism does not do magic by itself and still needs processing to improve the image quality.

Now Apple with iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max for the first time from sensors 48 megapixels He used terms like Quad-pixel and Photonic Engine to describe his new image processing system. However, nothing new has happened here either, and companies like Samsung, Huawei and many other brands have been using these large sensors for years with similar techniques to produce appropriate images.

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