New news from 4 stock exchange symbols

Over the past few days, listed and over-the-counter companies have informed their shareholders of financial performance, significant events, and any important information that directs stock prices in order to comply with the principle of transparency, according to Tejaratnews.
These announcements are classified into two groups A and B in terms of importance.
The following is a brief description of some of these announcements.
سامان: Saman Bank announced that the return to the letter dated 08/19/1400 of the Stock Exchange and Securities Organization stating that the company’s operating profit increased by 41% in the first 6 months of the year compared to the same period of the previous year Net income from facilities and deposits, the main reason for which is a 100% increase in the volume of facilities granted, which has led to an increase in facility income and thus increase profits.
Join: The reasons for the increase in operating profit for the fiscal year ending 14.04.31 compared to the same period of the previous fiscal year were announced as follows: As can be seen in the financial statements, during the reported fiscal year, operating income and cost of income Operations increased by 70% and 74%, respectively, compared to the previous year, which was mainly due to the increase in the sales rate of products and the purchase of raw materials and production inputs. Also, public expenses and sales have increased by about 41% due to the increase in salaries and benefits as a result of the implementation of the resolutions of the Supreme Labor Council. Also, due to the increase in bank facilities, financial costs have increased by about 56%. These changes have led to an increase in operating profit of 87% and an increase in net profit before tax of 72%.
In addition to the above explanations, increasing the yield of orchards, changing the price of sugar and common wheat and seeds and… by the government and the company’s tendency to produce ordinary agricultural products to seed products and also increase the production of quality citric acid in hydrogen, increase sales and Profit has been made.
پاکشو: Yesterday, Pakshoo Industrial Group Company published two announcements in Kedal system. During the first announcement, the company announced the issuance of subordinate selling options (stock insurance). Accordingly, the company announced that regarding the issuance of subordinated selling options (stock insurance), a total of 1,811,460,259 shares of Paksho have been pledged under the following conditions.
Supplier: Safflower Industrial Group Company (Private Joint Stock)
Available number: up to 1,700,000,000 shares
Trading period: up to 24 months
Maturity value: 10 thousand Rials
Also, in the second announcement of the company, it was announced that the request to accept the shares of Padideh Shimi Jam Company (Private Joint Stock Company) from the affiliated companies of Pakshoo Industrial Group, in the second OTC market of Iran has been agreed. It is worth mentioning that before entering the company name in the OTC rate list and starting trading, the necessary information determined by this company is provided.
زقیام: Isfahan Ghiam Agriculture and Livestock Company announced the holding of an auction for the sale of dairy industrial cattle (approximately 1150 heads, 580 productive heads and 460 heads of dairies) with a daily production of about 18 tons of raw milk in an area of 10 hectares in Ilam province . To receive the auction documents and receive more information, the applicants can refer to Isfahan Ghayam Agriculture and Livestock Company during office hours from the date of publication of the advertisement and deliver the envelope containing the terms and price offer form to the administrative affairs of the company and its receipt until 10/08/1400. To receive. The amount of the company’s deposit in the auction is 50% of the base price of 2.35 billion tomans, which will be accepted in cash, or an encrypted bank check or bank guarantee. The Ross auction will be held at 11 a.m. on Sunday, November 21st.
Source: the world of economy