Omid Entrepreneurship Fund supports 10 mining projects in Kerman

According to IRNA, Asghar Noorullahzadeh told reporters on the sidelines of a meeting with the governor of Kerman on Saturday that one of the most important competitive advantages of Kerman province is in the field of mining. And their operation requires financing.
He continued: “In this meeting, it was suggested that cooperative companies be formed with the participation of the residents of the neighboring villages of these mines, and that the Omid Entrepreneurship Fund also provide capital for the operation of these projects.”
The CEO of Omid Entrepreneurship Fund, noting that about 10 leaching projects were defined and approved at the meeting, said: “Omid Entrepreneurship Fund finances these projects so that cooperatives can be formed in this field and cooperatives can become shareholders in new projects.”
He stated that 40 billion Tomans of credit is foreseen for these 10 projects and said: on average, 4 billion Tomans of facilities will be paid to the members of these cooperatives so that these 10 processing projects can be put into operation.
Noorullahzadeh expressed support for these projects with the aim of creating employment and participation in the mines for the villages around the mines.