
Parliament agrees with Shasta’s investigation

According to Tejarat News, the latest details of the parliamentary investigation plan from شستا What is?

Quoted from ایسناIn today’s (Tuesday) public session of the Islamic Consultative Assembly, the members of the Islamic Consultative Assembly reviewed the report of the Social Commission on approving the request for investigation of the Social Security Organization in the field of appointments and the management of affiliated companies, especially Shasta, and finally agreed with it. .

Hassan Lotfi, the spokesman of the Social Commission of the Islamic Consultative Assembly, announced the report of this commission regarding this request for investigation and the reading of the reading and its axes as follows:

1- Non-transparent performance of Shasta Company as one of the largest companies in the country financially

2- Appointments with non-professional qualifications and more with a political and comradely look

3- Lack of correct and timely information about the arrival of the company شستا To the stock exchange

4- Injustice in the distribution of medical credits so that some areas with five thousand insurers do not have clinics

5- Weakness in hospital services and concentration of subspecialty and special services only in Milad Hospital of Tehran, which has caused confusion among city patients.

6- Weak management in some provinces such as Ardabil province

7- Injustice in payments within the organization and a large gap in payments

8- Weakness in using participatory facilities such as guesthouses and accommodation centers and their wear and tear

9- Weakness in using paperless office and delay in deleting paper booklets

10- Applying opinions on the percentage of disability and unscientific percentage defined for individuals

11- Lack of support for construction workers in construction workers’ insurance and considering income and profit instead of supporting workers and carpet weavers

12. Long distance between the salaries of the pensioners of the Social Security Organization and the retirees of other agencies

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