Payment of Qarz al-Hasna loan to provide housing for the deprived by Sina Bank

In order to fulfill social responsibilities, the following is done:
According to the monetary financial news quoted by the public relations of Sina Bank, due to the fluctuations of the housing market and in order to support the less affluent society of the country, this bank in cooperation with Alavi Foundation has put the loan of Gharz al-Hasna on the agenda to provide housing for the deprived. .
These facilities are paid based on the conclusion of a memorandum of cooperation with the Alavi Foundation in order to help improve the livelihood and empower the deprived in providing housing. The loan will be repaid with a maximum amount of 1,500,000,000 Rials and a maximum repayment period of 12 years. These facilities will be granted to applicants and beneficiaries by submitting a letter of introduction from the Alavi Foundation in accordance with the rules and regulations of the bank. Sina Bank and the Alavi Foundation have already taken desirable measures to support the poor and deprived sections of society through various cooperation agreements, and this memorandum has been signed in continuation of this process.
It is worth mentioning that other important actions of this bank last year, 50 billion Rials assistance to the clients of Imam Khomeini Relief Committee and Welfare Organization in 7 provinces involved in Corona, purchase and donation of 1000 tablets to students in deprived areas of the country and allocation of 30 billion Rials Regarding the release of 157 inmates of unintentional crimes, as well as the construction of three schools in deprived areas.