Banking and insuranceEconomicalEconomicalBanking and insurance

People who have missing checks should read

According to Iran EconomistCheck as a means of payment is very important in transactions. In May 1402, nearly 7,700,000 checks worth about 4,814,000 billion Rials were exchanged, which shows an increase of 19.1% in terms of number and 46.6% in terms of amount compared to the previous month.

Due to the expansion of the use of checks in trading markets, if a person’s check is missing or lost, he should report the loss of his check to the bank without any delay. After filing a complaint, it is necessary to present the certificate of filing a complaint to the bank about the missing check, and if the check is found to be missing in court, it can cancel the missing check.

Four steps must be taken to collect a missing check. As mentioned before, the issuer, beneficiary or legal representative of the check must notify the bank of the loss of the check in writing.

After receiving the request, the bank is also obliged to verify the identity of the sender and take the necessary measures after verifying the identity. By verifying the identity of the sender, the bank refuses to pay the check amount, and if the check is presented to the bank, the bank issues a non-payment certificate stating the reason.

In the next step, the person must report the missing check complaint to the judicial authority, which can be the prosecutor’s office or the dispute resolution council, within a week. The relevant authority issues a certificate of missing check.

After the certificate of missing check is issued, the complaint certificate must be submitted to the bank immediately. If the complaint certificate is not submitted within a week, the bank must pay the amount of the check from the issuer’s account to the check holder.

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