Banking and insuranceEconomicalEconomicalBanking and insurance

Planting saplings by the executive vice president and members of the Arman insurance board of directors

According to the financial news report, quoted by the public relations of Arman insurance, in line with the implementation of social responsibility plans, promoting and inviting people to plant and maintain trees, in the presence of Hamidreza Amir Hassankhani, vice chairman of the board of directors and executive vice president, and Dawood Almasi, a member of the board of directors. Also, Hassan Hashemi, vice president of finance and investment, planted three saplings on the occasion of tree planting day in the area of ​​Arman insurance building.

I have to say; This good tradition is done every year on the tree planting day and in the direction of revitalizing the urban green space in Arman insurance complex.

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