Preparations of the national media for broadcasting the series “Motherland”

According to Fars News Agency’s Radio and TV reporter, in the past weeks, some media activists and cultural critics have raised various criticisms about the way the “Motherland” series was broadcast. Some media people believed that even though “Motherland” is a work without stuttering on the events of contemporary history and related to the Islamic Revolution, it has been treated with disrespect by the broadcasting authorities.
Another issue was that despite the high production quality of this series, the national media aired it like works with normal production quality. In the explanation of this criticism, it is also stated that “no propaganda and justification program to express the historical issues of the series was aired on the radio. This series had the ability to hold an explanatory round table after each episode and explain the issues raised in the series in detail to the people.
In response to these criticisms, Simafilm’s public relations has explained some special arrangements regarding the broadcast of the “Motherland” series, which you can read below: “Motherland tells its story in three historical periods and in three seasons.” A series that portrays history with a brilliant script and during the charm of the events, the contemporary history of Iran also remains completely in the minds of the viewers of the series and leads the viewer to the conclusion that Iranian culture and customs have deep roots in the distant past of this land. . The set and costume design, the first-class acting team and the director’s art give new warmth to our current series.
– After a ten-year break for the broadcast of the series “Motherland” on the national media, with the support of Dr. Jabali, the head of the national media, it went on the air on Friday, October 14, this year, on the Se Sima channel.
– When a series is aired on TV after a 10-year gap, it shows a planned effort to remove broadcast obstacles, from effective field follow-ups to gaining the trust of relatives and preparing the broadcast space, all of which are proof of the serious will of the national media and the vice president of Cima for All capacities have been used in this field.
– Media attachments, including television advertising teasers, television subtitles, and even urban advertisements, as well as the broadcast of the “Motherland” series from two platforms, namely from Sa Sima, which is one of the most popular television channels, and broadcast on television, including the special arrangements of the previous process. And it was during the airing, and further efforts were made to air this TV series regularly and without interruption.
– As it was mentioned, for the first time, before the TV broadcast, this series was uploaded on the “Telebion” platform in a high-quality broadband platform for more people’s access, and using the capacity of urban billboards was a rare act in promoting this series. Jam Jam newspaper has also promoted this magnificent work with numerous reports and specials.
– According to the usual procedure in the national media, except for a few cases, experts and critics are always invited after the airing of serials and collections, which will be done according to the current procedure regarding this serial as well.
– All in all, good conditions have been provided for the broadcasting and rebroadcasting of this television series, including the allocation of weekend television broadcasts, which are special for the famous series. In fact, these special arrangements caused this work to be well received and accompanied by viewers and audiences.
– Sima Film Center accepts fair reviews with open arms and considers expert opinions to be effective in improving the quality of productions.
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