
Pricing of housing production inputs in an aura of ambiguity – Tejaratnews

According to Tejarat News, the President has given an important order to the Minister of Economy regarding the control of the capital market. Due to the fact that the main prices of metal and mineral products are currently determined in the commodity exchange, we are actually witnessing the price determination based on the dollar and even higher than that.

Referring to the recent decisions of the Supreme Housing Council and the nearness of the relocation season, the President asked the Minister of Housing, in coordination with the relevant institutions, to consider the necessary measures to facilitate the housing supply conditions needed by the tenants.

Recently, Ahmed Dunyamali, a member of the Construction Commission of the Islamic Council, referring to the Supreme Leader’s emphasis on the need to eliminate the dollar in the pricing of production inputs, said that in order to improve the situation in the field of mass housing, we need a change in the pricing procedure of steel and cement.

He stated that in our country we pay subsidies to large cement and steel production units, he said: How can the production units, whose all costs are in the form of Rials with subsidized prices, calculate the price of the final product at the daily dollar rate?

This member of the Islamic Council said that in the recent meeting of the Supreme Council of Housing, the Minister of Roads and Urban Development emphasized that the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development should provide the conditions for pre-purchase of housing production inputs to the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development based on the law on the jump in housing production.

He added that in response to the request of the Ministry of Roads, the Minister of Peace has responded that the mechanism for determining the price of housing production inputs is determined in the commodity exchange. But in fact, these statements of the Minister of Silence cannot justify the responsibility that this ministry bears in order to fulfill the law on the jump in housing production.

It should be noted that this is the same issue that was mentioned before and it is related to the mechanisms that ultimately tied the pricing of domestically produced products and raw materials to the commodity exchange and the dollar.

Source Tasnim

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