Qasrgand; The Land of Wonders – Siri in Iran

Qasrqand city in the south of Sistan and Baluchistan with more than 440 natural, historical places, canals, rivers, towering groves, green paddy fields and located on the path of Cashew River is an amazing place for Nowruz travelers and tourists. Paddy fields, waterfalls, tropical fruit trees, cashew river and short-nosed crocodile are important and spectacular attractions of Qasrqand city that attract the attention of every viewer. The presence of 22 aqueducts and water flowing in the slopes has caused rice to be harvested twice a year from the paddy fields of this region, an event that rarely happens in other regions of the country.
Among the other tourist attractions of this city are beautiful villages with tropical fruit gardens, waterfalls and mineral water springs, and rare wildlife around the cashew river and the short-nosed crocodile “Gando”.
Due to its historical background, Qasrqand is one of the oldest cities in the southeast of Sistan and Baluchistan, so it is known as the “capital of Makran”.
This city is considered one of the special agricultural hubs in the south of Sistan and Baluchistan, the most important products of which are dates, rice, mango, sour lime, sweet lemon, papaya (melon) and banana.
Qasrqand city is bordered by Ahoran district from the north, Chabahar from the south, Sarbaz city from the east, and Nikshahr from the west. What distinguishes Qasrqand from other cities of Sistan and Baluchistan is the abundance of water due to permanent rivers such as Kajo and Qanat.
The beautiful and permanent cashew river forms the vital artery of the city of Qasrqand, the center of this city, and short-nosed crocodiles throughout the year make the atmosphere of this area very beautiful and memorable. In this regard, Iraj Afshar writes in his book Baluchistan and its Ancient Civilization, quoting Etimad al-Sultaneh. “Qasrqand is actually the capital of all of Makran, it has a strong castle located on a high hill, and it is the residence of the governor and its subjects live in Kovar, culturally, it has valuable historical and ancient monuments”
Among the most important works of Qasrqand are Dembigan hill related to the Parthian period, Siah Ben hill related to pre-history and historical and Islamic era, Kushkak hill related to the pre-historic era, the patterns of logs in the north of Qasrqand (cashew), Dambgur area related to the historical period. And Islamic and the castles built related to the Islamic era, such as Qasrqand Castle and Beg Castle.
Currently, 14 historical works of Qasrqand have been registered in the list of national works of the country. This city has more than 50 Islamic, historical and prehistoric works, which in addition to valuable historical works, also has countless natural attractions.
“Abend” waterfall, a centuries-old aqueduct that is the vital artery of Qasrqand and the source of irrigation for tropical fruit gardens and paddy fields.
Planting fruitful trees such as mango and rice, which can be harvested three times a year, is one of the characteristics of Qasrqand city.
In terms of handicrafts, Qasrqand can be considered one of the hubs of handicrafts in Sistan and Baluchistan, the most important of which are mat weaving in the areas of “Fazlullahi” and “Sarbuk”, needlework in the villages of Kajo, Hit, Sarbuk and pottery in the two villages of “Helonchkan” and “Kalk”. ‘ Is
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Historical monuments of Qasrqand city
Qasrqand Castle is located in the center of Qasrqand city, in the eastern part of the Jame Mosque, which is surrounded by residential houses from the northwest and south, and is limited to the palm grove from the north and northeast. This castle has been the headquarters of Hamkarani since ancient times.
According to the writings and books written about Makran Zemin and Kerman, it can be said that the history of the construction of the castle goes back to the periods before the Safavids.
According to the narrations of Rish Sefid and what has been written in various books about the rulers of Qasrqand Castle, most of the rulers were from the tribe of ‘Balidha Iha’.
The Bilidehs migrated from Muscat to the land of Bilideh, located between Torbat Makran and Panjgur in Baluchistan, Pakistan. Some believe that the Bilidehs were from Arabs, and there was a dispute between them for a while, and later they migrated to Pakistan and then returned to Baluchistan, Iran.
This castle is located on a man-made hill whose height is about 10 meters, the approximate dimensions of the complex are 100 x 60 meters and the area of the ruler’s residence is 30 x 45 meters. other parts.
The rooms built on the west side of the castle were last used as a gendarmerie building, which has an area of 285 square meters.
This building was built by the rulers to rule the region and after the collapse of the local governments, the survivors of the rulers were forced to leave the castle.
This castle was registered in the list of national monuments of the country on the 12th of Bahman 1381 with number 7260.
Beg historical fort
Another important castle of Qasrqand is “Beg” castle, which is located in Beg village of Sarbog district, 22 km from Qasrqand. The similarity of this castle with Qasrqand Castle is attributed to the Safavid period.
The ruling hill is located in the western part of this complex and has an area of about 1400 square meters. The buildings built on this hill occupy 520 square meters of the castle surface.
The huge stone foundation of this complex is considered the most important part of the castle, which is very beautifully carved.
This building has been registered in the list of national monuments of the country on the 2nd of Bahman 1381 with number 7259.
Mount Gat Ben
This mountain is located on the road from Qasrqand to Nikshahr, at a distance of 40 kilometers from Nikshahr, and the peak of the mountain looks like a horseshoe, which is known as Ghat, and the people of the region also know it as Ghat Ben and Gard Koh.
In the upper part of this mountain, there are traces of architecture and a water tank, where the fugitive armies took shelter in times of conflict and war.
The top of the mountain is in the shape of a horseshoe, the outer parts of which are higher and have a slope towards the center. It was found that it could store water in its back for a long time.
In addition to this water tank, another tank with a length of 12 meters and a width of 3 meters and a depth of 4-5 meters has been built to store water.
The carvings of Qasrqand include horse, goat, cow, fox, human and hunting scenes, which are summarized on the slopes of the mountains in the western direction of the Kajo river. The path of the cashew river to the north is carved on the slopes of the mountains.
Tropical fruit orchards such as bananas, mangoes, oranges and limes along the way to this city add to the importance of this city and most of the fruits are exported to other parts of Sistan and Baluchistan.
This city, which was once the warehouse of Baluchistan Castle, has many waterfalls, among which the ‘Aband’ waterfall is one of the most beautiful waterfalls in Sistan and Baluchistan province.
Qasrqand is one of the special agricultural hubs in the south of Sistan and Baluchistan province, the most important products of which are dates, rice, mangoes, limes, sweet lemons, papayas and bananas.
Harvesting rice twice a year has raised this city as one of the rice planting centers in Sistan and Baluchistan.
Aband waterfall
Aband tourism area is located in Sarbok district and it is one of the most beautiful and pristine areas with spectacular scenery including springs flowing from the beginning of the village to rocky waterfalls in the form of steps at the top of the mountain, beautiful groves and green groves, species of oil-rich plants. At the top of the mountain, wheat and rice fields are among the tourism features of the region.
But what is most remarkable is the presence of a very beautiful waterfall in five tiers in the form of stairs with natural ponds created at the foot of each waterfall, which is one of the indicators of the region.
Handicrafts of Qasrqand city
One of the very good and brilliant capacities of Qasrqand is the existence of rich and valuable handicrafts, which can be known as the living museum of handicrafts in Sistan and Baluchistan.
Qasrqand needlework and the distinctive type of sewing of Shiraz as the oldest sewing in Baluchistan is one of the masterpieces of artisan women of Qasrqand city.
The most important feature of Qasrqand city compared to other cities of Sistan and Baluchistan is that the artisans sew clothes directly on the fabric and do not need to join.
One of the very good and brilliant capacities of Qasrqand is the existence of rich and valuable handicrafts, which can be known as the living museum of handicrafts in Sistan and Baluchistan.
The most important centers of needlework in Qasrqand are the villages of Kajo, Hit, Sarbok and Hamiri.
One of the other handicrafts of the region and the most important industry that is comparable to other examples in Sistan and Baluchistan is the art of mat weaving.
Mat weaving has a special place in the life of the people of this land. Its raw materials are prepared from the leaves of wild palm trees or “daz” and its products include broom (ropeg), belt (bird), suas (shoes), masala (janmaz), kechur (khorjin). Capat (small basket) and all kinds of decorative items.
Its most important production center and workshop is Sarbuk village and Fazlullahi nomadic area.
Mohammad Pirbakhsh Raisi is one of the most famous artisans of this industry in Qasrqand, who has an active presence in most exhibitions in the country.
Pir Bakhsh Raeesi Carpet Weaving Cooperative in Fazlullahi village is one of the most active cooperatives in Sistan and Baluchistan and has been ranked as the highest selling product in several national exhibitions.
One of the special industries of Qasrqand region, which is significant in Sistan and Baluchistan and has been active only in three centers of Saravan, Qasrqand and Sarbaz, is the art of pottery. Since ancient times, this art is still prepared in a traditional way in the form of small ovens in the form of a pit with a medium depth, and its fuel is firewood.
According to the quality of the clay of the village of Kaluk and “Helonchekan”, its raw materials are supplied from the place itself. The designs of the pottery are very simple and direct with the fingers and are in the form of grooves and sometimes geometric designs.
The color used for motifs is in the form of pieces of red stones that are prepared from the surrounding mountains and after soaking and softening and rubbing it in water, it is used as the color of motifs.
Most of the works of female artists are in the form of pitchers, glasses, jars, and children’s toys. In the meantime, ‘Bosuch’ has the highest production rate due to its high consumption in the Baluchistan region.
The most important target markets of these artists and craftsmen are Qasrqand, Nikshahr, Chabahar and Iranshahr.
Traditional ornaments
The presence of metal melting furnaces shows the ancient art of metalworking in the region. Traditional ornaments are often used for self-decoration and sometimes have religious roots in the region. The art of traditional jewelry in this region is a mixture of enameling, inlaying, inlaying and carving.
There are more than 50 examples of this art in the region, the most important of which are earrings, bangles, headbands, necklaces, and brooches.
Among other traditional arts and crafts of Qasrgand is the art of blacksmithing in the form of making consumables such as kitchen utensils including knives, ladles, pots and agricultural tools such as scythes, shovels, axes, which are produced in the Sarbok sector.
Qasrqand with historical and tourist monuments ready to welcome travelers
In an interview with IRNA reporter, the acting governor of Qasrqand said: the hills of Dambigan, Siah Ben and Kushk, the patterns of stumps in the north of Qasrqand (cashew), Dambgur area, the forts built during the Islamic era such as Qasrqand and Beg castles are among the works This city is historical and ancient.
Morteza Saigani stated: More than 14 historical monuments of Qasrqand have been registered in the list of national monuments, and this city, having more than 50 Islamic, historical and prehistoric monuments, has countless natural attractions.
He said: Aband waterfall, centuries-old aqueducts that are the vital artery of Qasrqand and the source of irrigation for tropical gardens and paddy fields.
The Acting Governor of Qasrqand said: Qasrqand is the center of Makran with great agricultural and tourism capacities and capabilities, with an area of 6,000 square meters and a population of 65,000, with three central parts, Sarbok and Telang, located in the south of Sistan and Baluchistan.
He added: Qasrqand became a district in 1316 AH and was promoted to a city in 1390, and this city is located in the north of Chabahar city at an altitude of 450 meters above sea level.