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Rar file extraction training on Android + introduction of the best programs

December 16, 1402 at 16:09

Many of the files we download are in RAR format, and Android doesn’t have an easy way to extract them. However, you can open this type of file in Android and access its contents in a few steps. Stay with us by learning how to extract RAR files on Android.

If you are looking for a way to extract rar files on your smartphone, follow this practical and simple tutorial on Gadget News. Usually, to compress several large video or photo files, they are converted into a rar or zip file. RAR files are more secure due to compression, and users can share their data faster due to the small size of these types of files. In this article from the collection of articles and technology news of Gadget News, we discuss the methods of Rar file extraction in the Android operating system.

How to open Android rar file

You might find it a little challenging to open rar files on Android smartphones, because not all file managers support rar or zip file extraction. In this article, we will teach you how to extract rar files on your phone in a few minutes and access the files inside.

You will read below:

What is RAR format?

The RAR format is one of the most popular compression formats that is used as an effective tool for storing and transferring data in the digital world, and these days most users use it to download programs, games, and subtitles for movies and series. This format uses a compression algorithm called RAR, which was created by a Russian developer named Eugene Roshal. Here we discuss the features and benefits of the RAR format, and then we go to the tutorial on rar file extraction on Android.

Why should we use RAR format to compress files on Android?

How to extract rar file in file manager

Fortunately, with the upgrading of smartphones to newer operating systems, developers tried to add more diverse and useful functions to file manager programs. With the addition of the extract function to some file managers, users no longer need to download and install third-party programs to extract rar files, but some companies’ phones still do not support this feature. For example you can after Creating a Samsung account, open zip files with the phone’s file manager, but there is no way to open RAR files.

Android rar extraction tutorialAndroid rar extraction tutorial

To extract rar or zip files in the file manager program, perform the following steps step by step:

Now you can easily extract all rar or zip files this way and avoid downloading third-party programs. If your file manager program does not support the ability to extract compressed files, you can use another file manager, such as the mi file manager program, which is designed by Xiaomi and is completely safe.

Users can easily download this file manager from the reliable Google Play store and install it on their Android smartphone and use the ability to extract rar files inside the program.

How to extract rar file using Rar program

In the continuation of the Android RAR file extraction tutorial, we will introduce the best application for this task. Some Android smartphones do not have the ability to extract rar files; Therefore, users must use third-party programs to extract these files. One of the safest and most useful programs is the rar program, which probably most people are familiar with its desktop version, WinRAR.

Extracting the rar file in Android tutorialExtracting the rar file in Android tutorial

Android phone users can decompress their compressed files by downloading the mobile version of the rar program. Just follow the instructions below:

You can check or edit your rar file through the menu on the side of the page; To access these features, you need to enter the settings and select the option you want.

How to extract rar file using Zarchiver program

The Zarchiver program is one of the applications in the Google Play Store that users can use to extract their zip or rar files. This program supports various formats such as 7zip, RAR, RAR5, etc.

Android rar file extraction tutorialAndroid rar file extraction tutorial

To use this program more easily, you can perform the following steps step by step:

How to extract rar files using ALZip program

Using the ALZip program, you can extract your compressed files in rar or zip format. This app is very easy to use because it supports drag and drop. All Android users can download ALZip from Google Play Store.

Alzip Android programAlzip Android program

Follow the steps below to extract rar or zip files in ALZip:

There are various programs for extracting files in rar or zip formats that users can download from the reliable Google Play store. Of course, you should pay attention to the fact that your internal memory must have enough space to extract the compressed files correctly. If you do not have enough space to extract them, it is better to keep the files compressed so that they take up less space on your phone.

Which method do you have experience using to extract zip and rar files on Android phones?

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