Receive a loan in the shortest possible time at the Bank of Kargoshai

According to the financial news from the public relations of the National Bank of Iran, it is enough for the applicants to leave their own gold as collateral with the bank and receive one of the Qarz-e-Hasna loans or the Murabaha (Jaala) facilities of Kargoshai Bank in the shortest possible time.
Currently, Kargoshai Bank offers the Murabaha micro facility (Jaala) to meet the essential needs with an individual limit and without an average account balance of up to 200 million Rials, and the Qarz al-Hasna loan with an individual limit of up to 50 million Rials, respectively, against the minimum of 60 and 25 grams of gold. Jewelers and Muskokat pays applicants through 13 branches and 42 active circles across the country.
Also, this bank in a new plan in order to provide a favorable and immediate response to the micro-financial needs of the applicants and to facilitate and smoothen the granting of Murabaha facilities, taking into account the average balance of the customer’s six-month account with Kargoshai Bank, respectively, from 5 to 20 percent of the total loan amount with a 50 Up to 20 grams of manufactured gold, up to 200 million Rials, provides Murabaha facilities.
This loan is one of the easiest loans that any applicant can get and does not need to pay monthly installments.
The facility of Kargoshai Bank with minimum time and without guarantor is a way for the bank to be with its customers in times of need for medical expenses, educational grants, dowry, housing deposit, etc.
Riyal services (opening all kinds of deposits), depositing and keeping gold, jewelry and trinkets, handing over trust funds to customers, etc. are other services of Kargoshai Bank.
It should be noted that gold endorsement is possible as a guarantee for a loan received from all Bank Melli branches, so that credit applicants of Bank Melli branches can get the benefits by confirming the manufactured gold and jewelry and ornaments at the bank, instead of a third party guarantee. Benefit from this plan.
Kargoshai Bank, with the focus of establishing the foundations of Islamic banking with all its strength and by equipping and using financial resources and with extensive efforts, is a contributor to the transformation of the people and the source of good and blessings.