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Recorded searches for unparalleled tokens on Google; NFT higher than Atrium, China Blockchain and Dodge Quinn!

Recent data show that the volume of searches related to NFTs on Google has exceeded that of Atrium, Dodge Coin and Blockchain, reaching its highest level in history. Asian countries seem to have the largest share of searches related to this area.

to the Report Kevin Telegraph, Google Keyword Search data shows that interest in unparalleled tokens has grown to an unprecedented level. NFT-related search traffic has recently surpassed many of the major currencies on the market, including the top ten.

Google Trends data show that interest in NFTs has increased significantly since the beginning of this year. One of the main reasons for the increase in attention to non-parasitic tokens is the growing market for NBA Top Shot NFTs from Dapper Labs and older Atrium NFTs, including the CryptoPunks collection.

At first, the NFT market bubble seemed short-lived, as the volume of keyword searches related to proxy tokens fell by about 75% by the end of June. However, search statistics improved in July and peaked by the end of October.

Google’s “NFT” (blue line) and “non-fungible token” (red line) keyword search volume chart

Since then, Google’s search volume for keywords related to unique tokens has continued to grow, doubling in the last three months.

This astonishing leap enabled the NFT keyword to overtake other digital currency-related keywords that had long dominated Google searches. DeFi, Ethereum and even Blockchain are some of the keywords that are lower than NFT in terms of search volume.

Also read: NFT build tutorial; How to sell your unique tokens?

NFT, Ethereum, Blockchain, Dogecoin, and DeFi keyword searches in Google

Dodge Quinn caught the public eye in the second quarter of 2021, and the search volume for the keyword “Dogecoin” surpassed “Bitcoin” in early May. However, the Dodge Quinn fever quickly subsided in the third quarter of 2021. Google Trends data shows that the wave of Dodge Quinn-related searches has spread rapidly to NFTs.

Interest in unique tokens in Asia

NFT-related search traffic is currently dominated by Asian countries. China, Uganda, Singapore, Hong Kong and the Philippines, respectively, received the most search traffic for this keyword.

Between September 5 and 11 (September 14-20), NFT keyword searches peaked in China. One month before the leap, Chinese tech company Tencent launched its unique tokens market called Huanhe. Alibaba, on the other hand, had launched a marketplace that allowed users to trade licensed content for copyrighted tokens.

However, the Chinese Communist Party took a stand against the unprecedented tokens on September 10 (September 19) by publishing statements in the state-owned People’s Daily. This has probably reduced the search volume of this keyword since then.

Ranking of countries based on NFT keyword search volume

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