
Registration of 6 million people to buy a car! / Will the market be affected?

According to Tejarat News, the second round of the lottery in Integrated car allocation system held. At this stage, about 76 thousand 700 cars were released by car manufacturers. Although some cars were removed from the lottery process of car manufacturing companies and also the system was accompanied by disturbances, but according to official statistics, six million applicants registered in the system during this period.

The first stage of this lottery ended in May 1401 with four million applicants. That stage was also held when the applicants faced problems in the registration process. Also, in announcing the results, the names of some winners were changed to reserved. But after a while, all the reservations were allocated cars.

Sadraei: There is a lot of stray capital

Did the holding of the car allocation system lottery have a message for the market?

Babak Sadraei, an expert in the automobile industry, said in a conversation with Tejarat News: Just as the holding of these lotteries in the past years could not control the market and reduce the price gap between the market and the factory, holding another form of it, i.e. the supply of cars in the integrated car allocation system, also has an effect. It does not have prices in the market.

He added: More than six million have registered in this course. These actions indicate the existence of stray capital and people’s lack of confidence in placing that capital in the right place. Now, everyone with floating capital wants to turn it into a commodity.

This auto industry expert continued: removing some cars from the lottery process has no effect on the market. Considering the high volume of demand as well as the amount of car supply by this system and car manufacturers, the problem cannot be solved and the prices are controlled only temporarily.

Mostafavi: The lottery increased the government’s intervention

Morteza Mostafavi, an expert in the automobile industry, also told Tejarat News: The lottery in the car allocation system organized by the Ministry of Security has not only increased the responsibility of the government, but also increased it. In other words, the Ministry of Privacy has become the center of the country’s car lottery.

O Afroud: The government and the Ministry of Security claimed that the lottery in the integrated system will make the cars reach the people in a fair way. But this claim is not logical in the car market and industry of the country.

This expert explained: The car market is turbulent due to the presence of too many dealers. These fluctuations are not due to the amount of car supply. Rather, it is due to the fluctuation of the dollar rate, and buyers are affected by the dollar rate. ‎

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