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Rejuvenate with collagen-building vitamins

Our bodies produce collagen throughout our lives. But the problem is that the older you get, the less collagen your body produces. Collagen is the most abundant protein on the surface of the body and its reduction in the body will be accompanied by an increase in wrinkles and sagging skin. Fortunately, some strategies can increase the level of collagen in the body and fight the signs of aging. Have you ever heard of collagen powder or pill or used collagen cream? By introducing collagen-building vitamins in this article, we will help you to have younger and fresher skin. Stay with us.

What we read in this article

What is collagen and what does it do for the skin?

The most abundant form of protein in the body is called collagen. It is found in abundance in muscle tissue, tendons, ligaments, and so on. Most people, when it comes to collagen, know the benefits of this protein only for the skin. Collagen, on the other hand, comes in many forms and is used for a variety of purposes.

If we want to talk about the effect of collagen on skin health, we must say that with the age of collagen production in the body decreases. The result of reduced collagen is the appearance of signs of aging on the skin. Wrinkles and sagging skin are signs of decreased collagen levels in the body. At a young age, when the amount of collagen production is at the right level, the skin is soft, firm and fresh. Collagen helps the skin to repair and regenerate its cells. Collagen also helps keep skin hydrated. This is why there is always an emphasis on proper levels of collagen in the body and many people go for the best collagen pill or collagen cream.

Produce collagen naturally with collagen-producing vitamins

The human body makes collagen by combining amino acids. Amino acids are supplied to the body through the consumption of various foods and nutrients. In addition, some vitamins and minerals are also involved in the production of collagen:

Vitamin C is a powerful collagen builder

The process of making collagen in the body requires adequate amounts of vitamin C in the diet. Research shows that proper levels of vitamin C in the body stimulate DNA, help maintain collagen levels, and help build new collagen. This is why most skin supplements use vitamin C. Vitamin C is also often found in creams that help stimulate collagen production. If you do not have vitamin C deficiency, you will definitely have better and healthier skin with fewer signs of aging.

Sources of vitamin C for collagen production

Vitamin C can be considered as one of the most important collagen-producing vitamins. This vitamin is water soluble and the human body can not produce it. Therefore, we must provide it for the body by consuming food or buying vitamin C pills. Vitamins can be found in abundance in citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, grapefruits, as well as in vegetables such as broccoli and tasty fruits such as strawberries. Vitamin C has an extremely strong antioxidant role. That is, it fights pathogens such as free radicals. This way they will not be able to destroy the skin cells. Vitamin C prevents wrinkles, fights skin blemishes and brightens the skin by providing proper hydration to the skin and increasing collagen production in the body.

Excess vitamin C is often easily eliminated from the body. Vitamin C in the form of effervescent tablets or other supplements usually does not cause any side effects. If you want to have high collagen stores in your body, do not forget about vitamin C.

Price of collagen tablets

Want to see the price of collagen pills in different types and brands? Just one click.

Zinc is an effective factor in collagen production

If you want to increase collagen production in your body, use zinc sources. Zinc can not be considered as a collagen-producing vitamin because it is actually a mineral. Activates the proteins needed for collagen synthesis and supports collagen production. Zinc also helps cells produce new collagen and speed up the healing process when skin wounds need to be repaired.

You can eat oysters, red and white meats, legumes, nuts and whole grains, or take zinc pills to increase your zinc stores. Zinc is found in many anti-wrinkle creams and many skin supplements. It should be noted that zinc also has antioxidant properties and protects skin cells against any external damage.

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The role of vitamin A in collagen production

Of all the collagen-producing vitamins, no one is as effective as vitamin C, but the role of other vitamins cannot be ignored. Vitamin A with stimulation Fibroblasts‌ Boosts collagen and elastin production in the body. In this case, the skin will look firmer and younger. Vitamin A deficiency in the body is associated with decreased collagen synthesis and increases wrinkles. Broccoli, spinach, pumpkin, carrots, tomatoes, red bell peppers, fish oil, milk and eggs are some of the best natural sources of vitamin A.

Vitamin E and collagen production in the skin

Vitamin E stimulates blood flow to the skin and hair and increases collagen production. This vitamin with its antioxidant properties is well known as a natural anti-wrinkle. Vitamin E is fat-soluble and you need the right amount to have a soft and clear skin. The moisturizing and antioxidant properties of this vitamin help to rejuvenate the skin and reduce skin wrinkles.

Strategies to increase collagen levels in the body

Familiar with collagen-building vitamins. But other factors can also be involved in enhancing collagen synthesis:

Hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is an important compound for collagen in the skin. This compound is found in foods rich in amino acids such as legumes, root vegetables and soy. Increased hyaluronic acid in the skin naturally raises collagen levels.

Increase the consumption of antioxidants

Antioxidants are substances that protect the body against free radicals. Free radicals are molecules that destroy the body’s cells. Note that not all antioxidants help build collagen but are effective in maintaining the body’s collagen and improving its function. There are different types of antioxidants and they are effective in rejuvenating the skin in different ways. Fruits and foods rich in antioxidants include: blueberries, green tea, licorice extract, pomegranate extract, coffee extract, cinnamon, basil and…

Retinol is also a type of antioxidant that increases collagen production in the skin. This substance blocks the activity of enzymes that destroy collagen and prevents the appearance of wrinkles.

Prevention of destructive environmental factors of the skin

Skin cells are constantly building and destroying. Some external destructive factors such as harmful sun rays and environmental pollution cause damage to the skin and therefore more time should be devoted to cell repair. In this case, more collagen should be consumed and the level of this protein in the skin will decrease. To prevent skin damage when exposed to sunlight, use sunscreen and stay away from polluted air. Smoking also destroys skin collagen. If you are still in the group of smokers, it is better to quit it as soon as possible and take an effective step in rejuvenating your skin.

The final word

In this article, we have introduced collagen-building vitamins to you. None of the vitamins can be as effective in stimulating collagen production as vitamin C. There are many other factors involved in collagen synthesis that contribute to the health and beauty of the skin, which we also described in this article. Do not forget that in order to keep your skin young and fresh and to be free from wrinkles, you must maintain the level of collagen in the body at the desired level. For this purpose, you can use collagen pills that are sold in pharmacies, including Green Positive Online Pharmacy.

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