Reza Kianian’s reaction to the reactions

Cinema and theater actor Reza Kianyan responded to some reactions to his interview about the Fajr Film Festival. In this text, he criticized the Iran International network and its followers.
Charso Press: At the beginning of the Fajr Film Festival, Reza Kianian said in an interview with the event’s bulletin: “I do not boycott the Fajr Film Festival and I believe that I should let those who believe in the festival hold it.” Some people can’t stand their opposite, but I can stand my opposite. “Even if I am in power, I can tolerate my opponent.”
The publication of this interview was followed by various reactions from different media, both domestic and foreign, and it seems that these reactions caused the “Glass Agency” actor in a text published on his personal page on the 20th of February. The Kurd should react to some of these reactions in some way.
Reza Kianian published some photos of his interview reflection and wrote:
“I urge you to read this article! How was my interview about Fajr Film Festival published?
BBC Farsi reflected this way: “I will not go to the Fajr Festival, but I will not boycott it” with this photo
Iran International published “I will not boycott the Fajr festival”. Under the caption, he wrote: While many prominent figures boycotted the festival… with this photo
The domestic media also reported on fundamentalists and reformists in their own way.
But the important thing is that most “Position” and “Opposition” read only one headline. International headline and based on this headline they decided to consider me as their own or their enemy.
The position invited me to judge and the opposition was telling me bad and misguided.
The subject of my interview was “If you don’t go to the festival today, I left the festival since the miracle of the third millennium.” I wrote that the organizers of the festival cannot tolerate their opponents, because they are totalitarians. But I tolerate my opposition, I don’t go to the festival, but I don’t boycott it.” That is, I will boycott the organizers of the festival, not the festival itself, because “the festival belongs to Iranian cinema.”
When the society becomes bipolar, both seek to eliminate the other. As a result, they have an exclusionary view. They divide the world into black and white. themselves and against themselves
Some people write that we did not understand which side you are on? With us or with them? black and white? Zangi Zang or Rumi Rum? This side or that side? I answer I don’t want to delete I want to create. I don’t want to destroy, I want to build.
Note: I remind you that some comments are robots and fake, like the fourth caption, you can go to its page and see.
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Read more: Special page of Fajr Film Festival