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Rules and regulations for establishing retirement, disability and survivor pensions

The head of the General Directorate of Pensions of the Social Security Organization explained;

According to the financial news report According to the public relations of the Social Security Organization, the establishment of long-term obligations, including the payment of pensions for retirement, disability and survivors, is one of the most important insurance services and protections of the Social Security Organization, and the insured and their eligible survivors can benefit from these protections if they meet the legal requirements.

According to this report, Mojtaba Tahmasabi, head of the General Directorate of Pensions of the Social Security Organization, in explaining the rules and regulations for establishing long-term obligations of this organization, said: The insured persons of the Social Security Organization, if they meet the general conditions for retirement, can apply for their pension through the non-attendance service system at the address Register and follow all the stages of their retirement until the issuance of the retirement order, in the same way.

Explaining the types of pensions, he said: 50 years of age for men and 45 years of age for women, provided that they have at least 30 years of insurance premium payment history, is one of the conditions for establishing a retirement pension. The insurance premium deduction is calculated and paid for two years.

Mojtabi Tahmasbi, head of Hatahmasbi’s Pensions Directorate, also said: being 60 years old for men and 55 years old for women and having 20 years of insurance premium payment history is another legal condition for retirement, and insured persons who meet these conditions can retire with 20 days of salary, of course if the pension If the entitlement of these people is less than the minimum wage of a regular worker approved by the Supreme Labor Council in the year of establishing the pension, in compliance with Article 111 of the Social Security Law, the amount of their paid pension will increase up to the mentioned figure.

He added: A male insured person who is 60 years old and a female insured person who is 55 years old can also be entitled to receive a pension if they have less than 20 years of insurance payment experience, with the difference that the pension for these people is proportional to their years of entitlement. It will be their insurance, and if the insured has less than 10 years of insurance premium payment history after meeting these age requirements, he can benefit from the benefits of this type of retirement by paying the insurance premium related to the deficit period of the history up to 10 years.

The head of the General Pensions Department of the Social Security Organization said about the retirement of women workers with 20 years of insurance experience: women who are employed in labor jobs, with 20 years of work experience and 42 years of age are also eligible for pension and can receive 20 days of salary. to retire Also, all insured persons who have 35 years of insurance premium payment history can retire and receive pension without any age limit.

Tahmasabi said about the conditions for establishing a disability pension: an insured person who, according to the opinion of medical commissions under Article 91 of the Social Security Law, is found to be totally disabled, partially disabled or eligible for lump sum compensation as a result of an accident caused by work, regardless of the period of insurance premium payment and An insured person who, within ten years before the occurrence of a non-work-related accident or illness, has paid the minimum insurance premium for one year of work, including the insurance premium for ninety days of work within one year before the occurrence of an accident or illness leading to disability, in case of total disability, As the case may be, it will have the right to receive the corresponding legal obligations. People who qualify for these conditions can register and follow up their request for disability pension through the non-attendance service system of the Social Security Organization at under the menu of pensioners/disability pension.

He also explained the regulations for the establishment of survivors’ pensions and added: All eligible survivors are pensioners for total disability, retirees or deceased insured persons, if they meet the conditions stipulated in the amendment of Clause 3, Article 80 of the Social Security Law and the following notes, including having one year of experience in the the last year of which at least 90 days are in the last year of life or having 20 years of full insurance premium payment history before death; They benefit from pension and other side benefits of pensioners.

Also, if the insured of the deceased has more than one year of insurance premium payment history, but somehow does not meet the conditions stipulated in the aforementioned law; His survivors will benefit from the pension in proportion to the years of insurance premium payment.

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