Banking and insuranceEconomicalEconomicalBanking and insurance

Saeed Azimi became the head of digital business management of Mellat Insurance

According to the financial news report, citing the public relations of Bimah Mellat, the introduction ceremony of the head of digital business management of this company was attended by Alireza Yazdandoost, CEO, Daud Ghasempour Dizji, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Mohammad Taghi Cheraghi, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, as well as a group of deputies and managers of this company. The company was held.

Alireza Yazdandoost, CEO of Bimah Mellat, said: Many think that the information technology field plays a supporting role in a complex, while the activity of this sector is very important and influential in shaping the mechanism of an organization. We hope that the presence of experts in the field of planning and innovation deputy will make the upcoming plans of this department to be completed successfully.

He added: The digital business area of ​​Mellat Insurance should have more coordination with the marketing department, because the cooperation of these two departments based on the specified policy will increase the efficiency of the entire company.

Yazdan Doost said: In the field of digital business, the work space is very wide. Now that the general business environment is moving in this direction, we must try to be introduced as one of the leading companies in this sector.

He stated that the issue of retail sales is one of the important strategies of Mellat Insurance, and stated: If we are going to promote retail activities, it is necessary to first use the digital domain, infrastructure provide the necessary

The CEO of Mellat Insurance said: We hope that with the presence of the new director of digital transformation, Mellat Insurance Group will be more active in the field of information technology than before. This department should be able to recognize market needs and communicate with the marketing department. We are trying to create a value chain in the digital field of the insurance industry so that this process leads to value creation for the entire industry.

In the continuation of his speech, addressing the new director of digital transformation, he said: development of cooperation with acceleration and innovation centers, participation in product mix through API, development of web services for inquiry and issuance of insurance policy with coordination of technical management and information technology, reduction of sales time The insurance policy and service provision as well as the reduction of related costs are other matters that expect to be carefully considered.

Following this ceremony, Daud Ghasempour Dizji, the chairman of the board of directors of Mellat insurance company, said: Considering the coherence that exists in the different departments of the company, the plans specified for the current year should be followed more seriously. In the field of digital business, we must also try to achieve the set goals by relying on capable human resources.

Referring to the importance of digital businesses, Mohammad Taghi Cheraghi, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of Mellat Insurance, said: Today, due to the rapid development of new technologies, the patterns of economic activity in the world are changing rapidly, and we must also Let’s manage this path of changes and improve the productivity of the company. I hope that we will soon witness the fruition of efforts in line with the growth and development of Mellat insurance.

Hassan Poladi, Vice President of Planning and Innovation of Mellat Insurance also stated: Mellat Insurance has always been a leader in the field of digital transformation among its peers and has won awards in this regard in the past years.

He added: “Unfortunately, in the last one or two years, the activity of this department was somewhat neglected due to various reasons, and this issue caused us to experience delays in this field.” In this regard, many efforts were made to compile the digital delivery document for the insurance industry based on the management guidelines of the digital transformation document of the insurance industry.

Stating that the draft of this document needs revision, he said: We are looking to rewrite this document as soon as possible and present it to the board of directors so that the process of its approval can be done. In general, the compilation of this document is a very good sign for the future of the nation’s insurance.

Poladi also pointed to research activities in the field of IT at Mellat Insurance Company and stated: In this field, we are trying to present our research achievements in the form of a plan to the Insurance Research Institute so that other insurance companies can also Take advantage of these plans. As we tried to become a pole in the field of education, we will also take positive and useful actions in the field of digital transformation.

At the end of this ceremony, Saeed Azimi was awarded the new head of digital business management.

Saeed Azimi, who graduated with a master’s degree in software, has worked as an information technology manager for Razi Insurance and Iran Moin Insurance companies.

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