
Sales queues get heavier / What should investors do?

According to Tejarat News, the stock market today was accompanied by the growth of the overall index. At the end of today’s market, the total stock index with an increase of less than one thousand units was in the channel of one million and 436 thousand units. What is the market trend in the coming days?

Nima Mirzaei, a stock market expert on the market trend for the coming days, said: “The market is still volatile and for the next few days it is likely that sellers will be more powerful than buyers. Rehabilitate yourself relatively stable.

Mirzaei continued: “Six-month reports are among the things that will help calm and stabilize the market. Speculations indicate the appropriate profitability of companies that will make the p / e ratio more attractive.” As seen in the reports, this ratio has been declining after successive and bubble-like rises, reaching below 10, which seems to be a significant number for investors in the current inflationary conditions.

In another part of the market, the market expert said: “In the current market conditions, the view of inexperienced investors in the market has become short-lived due to fear.” Also, due to the final agreements and the exchange rate reform, the market conditions have fallen and we are witnessing the outflow of real people’s capital from the market. Also, the staggering jumps in global prices following the energy crisis have prevented a significant drop in the index and the market.

Read the latest stock market forecast every day at 5:00 PM on the Forex Trading News page.

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