Banking and insuranceEconomicalEconomicalBanking and insurance

Sarmad Insurance won the National Financial Management Award of Iran for the third year in a row

According to the financial news report, quoted by the public relations of Sarmad Insurance, in the ceremony of the 13th awarding ceremony, which was held on Tuesday, 11 Bahman 1401, in the hall of the national summit, the head of the Majlis Research Center, the head of the Securities and Exchange Organization, A number of representatives of the Islamic Council, a group of national officials, scientific figures and managers of large economic enterprises of the country, the president and secretary of the National Financial Management Award of Iran were present and the award was given to the awardees in three levels: statuette, commendation and certificate.

In this ceremony, based on the evaluation of the judges’ committee, Sarmad Insurance Company won the Iran Financial Management Award and Abbas Haghighi Raouf, the financial and economic vice-president of this company, received the three-star plaque of Iran’s financial management.

Last year, Sarmad Insurance also managed to receive a two-star financial management award, and this year, by upgrading it, it won a three-star statue.

Holding the Iranian National Financial Management Award since 2009 has been a platform for improving and upgrading the level of financial and economic management in participating companies and organizations; Because the most expert professors in the financial and economic field of the country evaluate some organizations by using the most reliable financial models in the world. This award is a platform for improving and upgrading the level of financial and economic management in participating companies and organizations.

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