
Saturday Stock Exchange Forecast / Which Trades Going?

According to Trade News, the total index Exchange Wednesday last week stood at 1,520,000 units and at the end of this week reached the range of 1,564,000 units and experienced a growth of 2.8 percent.

In the past week, the overall stock market index has been able to be somewhat positive due to the psychological atmosphere caused by the increase in the price of the free market dollar. For example, due to the increase in the free market dollar rate on Monday, the six-month record daily growth of the Tehran Stock Exchange index in trading was broken.

By examining the trends in the capital market, it can be said that the stock market is sensitive to news and according to various news can be positive or negative with a psychological impact on transactions.

Is the stock market growing?

“The potential for growth,” Ali Assari, a capital market expert, told Tejarat News Exchange There is. The growth of the stock market may be accompanied by time and price corrections, but the index will be positive during this week, especially on Saturday.

Assari explained: It was almost the last week of May that the total stock index reached the range of 1.6 million units. It then entered a correction phase, which lasted until Tuesday of last week. But the whole index returned to the growth circuit with the power candle and the low volume of the index.

Regarding the manipulation of the index, he said: “Considering that the volume of capital market transactions is in the low range, by raising several index-making symbols such as car symbols, Shasta, Foolad and Fars, the index can show a positive movement.” By indexing we mean the positivity of indexing symbols, not the manipulation of market transactions. Indexing means entering liquidity into the indexing symbol to positiveize the total stock index.

Assari continued: “These days, the symbols that are being indexed do not have a seller in this situation.” That is, a market that is relatively dry and has high potential for movement.

“Of course, political factors have a great impact on the capital market, and if political factors change, the market trend may be reversed,” he said.

Read the latest forecasts on the capital market situation on the Forex Trading News page.

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